Planet genesis

Round 2

@Cha @willow @aah31415 @AnthropocenianAge

The world

89% Complete…

The Steel Wall

A deafening clanging can be heard, reverberating across the water to the south. Sparks fly into the air, the whilst trails of exhaust of landing ships criss-cross the sky. An immense steel wall is being constructed, looming across the otherwise serene landscape. Only in time will it’s purpose be revealed…

New patch: Mountains

cha - Greater Ompard


A large grazer, with complex mating rituals using ultraviolet plumage.

The Greater Ompard first evolved a longer neck to reach more plants (+1 Foraging). If it gets any longer it could inhabit Forests. It also gained asset of conical teeth, allowing it to shear of leaves (+1 Foraging). With this it mostly maintained it’s population.

Large Herbivore (Foraging Level 4)


  • Movement: 2*0.75 = 2

  • Strength: 1*1.25 = 1

  • Stealth: 2

  • Intelligence: 1 (Tier 0)

Feeds on: Vegetation

Hunted by:

Suited for: Plains

Population: 1

Sustainable population: 1

Distribution: Plains A = 1


*Throat sacs (+1 Movement)

*Ultraviolet vision (+1 Stealth)

  • Tusks (+1 Strength)

  • Nervous system (+1 Intelligence)

  • Legs (+1 Movement)

  • Eyes (+1 Stealth)

  • Large plumage (Large size)

  • Medium Size

  • Conical teeth (+1 Foraging)

  • Longer neck (+1 Foraging)

*Fermentation stomach (+1 foraging)

  • Herbivorous Diet

  • Longer Intestines (+1 Foraging)

Environmental Adaptions
  • Temperate Climate Adaption
Willow - Pecuarius falsalamandra - False Salamander


An amphibious reptile that looks like a salamander. Lays slimy eggs that can digest food.

The False Salamander evolved both the ability to lay eggs in small pockets of water (+ 0.25 food in temperate humidity, +0.5 food in humid humidity), and the instinct to lay it’s eggs on leaves, moss and algae, allowing it’s young to find food as soon as it hatches (+1 Foraging).

Medium Herbivore (Foraging Level 2)


  • Movement: 3*1 = 3 (Swimming 1)

  • Strength: 1*1 = 1

  • Stealth: 1*1 = 1

  • Intelligence: 1 (Tier 0)

Feeds on: Vegetation,

Hunted by:

Suited for: Plains, Lake

Population: 5.75

Sustainable population: 5.75

Distribution: Plains A = 0.75, Lake A = 2, Lake B = 3

  • Swimming legs (+1 speed, + Swimming)

  • Lung sacs (+1 speed)

  • Tusks (+1 Strength)

  • Nervous system (+1 Intelligence)

  • Legs (+1 Movement)

  • Eyes (+1 Stealth)

  • Medium Size
  • Herbivorous Diet

  • Longer Intestines (+1 Foraging)

Environmental Adaptions
  • Temperate Climate Adaption
  • Instinct to lay eggs on moss and algae (+1 Foraging)

  • Ability to lay eggs in small pockets of water (+0.25 food in temperate humidity and+0.5 food in humid humidity)

  • Thin, sticky egg membrane + phagocytic eggs (+1 vegetation in aquatic patches, slight chance of endosymbiosis)

aah31415 - Pecuarius Maxillaavis - Two-Headed Ompard


A duel-headed scavenger.

The Two-Headed Ompard followed the lead of the Greater Ompard by improving it’s foraging. It gained a fermentation stomach (+1 Foraging), and grinding teeth (+1 Foraging).

Medium Herbivore/Scavenger (Foraging Level 5)


  • Movement: 1*1 = 1

  • Strength: 1*1 = 1

  • Stealth: 1*1 = 1

  • Intelligence: 1 (Tier 1)

Feeds on: Vegetation, Scavenged Corpses
Hunted by:

Suited for: Plains

Population: 1.8

Sustainable population: 1.8

Distribution: Plains A: 1.8

  • Tusks (+1 Strength)

  • Nervous system (+1 Intelligence)

  • Legs (+1 Movement)

  • Eyes (+1 Stealth)

  • Medium Size
  • Grinding teeth (+1 Foraging)

  • Fermentation Stomach (+1 Foraging)

  • Different heads for scavenging (+0.5 food per patch)

  • Separate digestive tracts X 2 (+2 foraging)

  • Herbivorous Diet

  • Longer Intestines (+1 Foraging)

Environmental Adaptions
  • Temperate Climate Adaption
AnthropocenianAge - Precuarius taurum - Bull Ompard


A stealthy, horned forager.

The Bull Ompard managed to increase its population, and is in a less precarious position. It gained web feet for swimming (+1 swimming), allowing it access lakes. It also gained teeth that have blade-like edges on one side and a series of ridges behind it, for better mastication of plant matter (+1 Foraging).

Medium Herbivore (Foraging Level 2)


  • Movement: 3*1 = 3 (Swimming 1)

  • Strength: 2*1 = 2

  • Stealth: 3

  • Intelligence: 1 (Tier 0)

Feeds on: Vegetation

Hunted by:

Suited for: Plains

Population: 1.53

Sustainable population: 1.53

Distribution: Plains A = 0.53, Lake B = 1

  • Webbed feet (+1 swimming, +1 Movement)

  • An extra tail to warn and communicate (+1 stealth)

  • An extra pair of legs (+1 Movement)

  • Eyes on the stop of it’s head (+1 stealth)

  • Bull horns (+1 strength)

  • Tusks (+1 Strength)

  • Nervous system (+1 Intelligence)

  • Legs (+1 Movement)

  • Eyes (+1 Stealth)

  • Medium Size
  • Herbivore teeth (+1 Foraging)

  • Herbivorous Diet

  • Longer Intestines (+1 Foraging)

Environmental Adaptions
  • Temperate Climate Adaption


Pale Green-Yellow: Plains

Light Grey: Cliffs

Light Green: Forest

Lime Green: Swamp

Light Blue: River

Blue: Lake

Yellow: Desert

Dark grey: Mountains

New patches

A snowy mountain ridge.

Needs: Cold resistance: 2, Climbing 3


Explored patches
Plains A

Food: 4 Vegetation

Creatures: Greater Ompard (1), False Salamander (0.75), Two-Headed Ompard (1.8), Bull Ompard (0.53)

Lake A

Food: 2 Vegetation, 3 Fish (Meat)

Creatures: False Salamander (2), Bull Ompard (1)

Lake B

Food: 2 Vegetation, 3 Fish (Meat)

Creatures: False Salamander (3)

Something odd is happening to the south…

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M1: Evolved mud-walking for better exploration in muddy areas.
M2: Evolved higher teeth-growth rate in order to more rapidly replace worn-out teeth from plant chewing.

Also, @CatSquared, what kind of digestive system does the basic Ompard have? Specifically, does it already have multiple chambers?


It only has 1 chamber.

M1: The scavenger head develops a beak which makes it easier to access corpse insides and can be also used for defense
M2: A freak mutation causes a kin of this species to be created, which has three pairs of limbs instead of two. The central pair is essentially the same as the legs of the previous version of the species, albeit thicker as to carry more weight, whilist the two other pairs, one more to the front and one more to the back, are no longer touching the ground and so became less specialized for walking and more for other purposes.

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Like what? Are they for grasping?

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I guess that can be it

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Mutation Uno: longer neck

Mutation dos: Larger size.


That’s going to be the highest size already…

It just more efficient to be bigger when walking allows for greater strides so one saves energy while doing it.
(Plus it helps being bigger cause you can push smaller trees to the ground to eat or just clear foliage allowing for not so dense forests which allows for ground plants to thrive around them)

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I don’t think size affects speed in this FG…

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It doesn’t at least positively, the thing is that their strides while slower than something smaller does allow them to waste less energy for each step.

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Still I don’t think cat^2 will account for that in your species’ stats…


You be most likely correct, I am just saying what I know. Besides I doubt there’s mutation to lower population food demand.

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Maybe “more efficient digestion” or something…

Maybe, but that’s kinda what fermentation stomach does, frees more energy up by fermenting plant matter instead of directly breaking it down first.

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Yeah, and that adds to the foraging stat.

M1: sticky feet(for climbing)
M2: swimming tail


Guess the cliffs are up next for creature colonization…
Also how long does the time between two rounds last in in-game time?

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A round lasts about 50-150 years, a few generations.

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So within a human life one could see serious changes to a species…

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