i bookmarked this so i can reference these two posts next time a feature like this is proposed. hopefully that’ll help get these over faster
The fact that there are other ideas that could waste time, does not mean that this one would be an acceptable waste of time.
Basically all “optional” features would get thrown out if all it took was one person who didn’t consider that feature important enough to be worked on at all.
Almost everyone’s favourite feature is one that someone else doesn’t care about at all.
definitely best for afk players
What if time was sped up? What if when you create a creature you can choose it’s perspective on time, just slowing or speeding up the simulation speed. Allowing for better gameplay as rooted life forms.
I like that a lot. Also it wouldn’t just be for plants. Fruit flies definitely experience slowed down time and 500 foot tall giants would experience quickened time.
Why would they experience it like that?
More spread out nervous systems. Wouldn’t factor in until massive sizes but yeah. It’s just latency.
Wouldnt that make it seem like time is slow?
No everything would be fast in comparison to the giant
I was thinking time would pass by faster because you have a longer life span.
For some species of fruit fly, for example, a week is their entire lifetime. But to us it is one in billions that we experience, and passes seemingly quickly.
If that was scaled up for a creature that lives a few thousand years, our lifetimes would seem to be an insignificant amount of time, like we are there and then gone. They would perceive what we consider a long time to be quite brief, as it is not a large amount of time compared to their lifespans, like we perceive the week-long life of a fruit fly
(This was in reply to Frale asking why time would be faster for me I just forgot to actually reply to the post itself)
Im not talking about subjective time, but literal neuron latency. Thinking slower so to speak. Good point though
The things I have laid out here are not just my humble opinion, that you can just flippantly ignore due to other people having opinions.
These are legitimate issues, that need to be tackled before “plant strategy view” can even be implemented.
The interaction between strategy view and the caste/life stages mechanics needs to be addressed. Unless of course, you intend to restrict plants and other sessile organisms from having motile castes and life stages at all.
That is not an opinion. That is something that will require attention.
The interaction between becoming sessile, from previously being motile, and more importantly vice versa, needs to be addressed. Unless you plan on locking the player into, or out of, this strategy view permanently on choosing to be sessile/motile in multicell.
that is also, not an opinion, but something that will require attention.
Similarly, it is not an opinion that plants will be incapable of reaching awakening, let alone ascension. You cannot sustain a larger neural network on photosynthesis alone. This is as stated by none-other than you, hh, on several occasions and is agreed upon by most people who are familiar with this discussion. I only mention it now, because it seems some people on this forum are not yet familiar with it enough.
…and if anyone wants to read more about similar issues, they can simply look to the development forums as the very same topics have already been covered. Here’s a good starting point: The Sessile Question - #5 by MirrorMonkey2 - Gameplay - Thrive Development Forum
Given that certain other organism concepts (underwater civs) that are incapable of reaching later stages are not to even be discussed on this platform, why on earth are we entertaining the idea of giving this type of organism it’s own strategy view??
One is rightly considered impossible to achieve fire with, and therefore will not be given it’s own tech tree.
The other is rightly not considered capable of growing a brain, and therefore is given its own entirely separate strategy view and extra gameplay features.
because some people want it.
Some people would find waiting for an individual plant to grow boring, even if they designed that plant themselves.
Some people would find getting stuck in the underwater Stone Age boring, given they won’t have any unique structures or technologies.
I would like to play both of them someday, but I’m not going to pretend that either one is deserving of special developmental treatment or attention.
Nothing would stop some random person from committing the time to flesh either dead end gameplay loop out, but there is very good reason for the core development team to give them the bare minimal work necessary for them to function.
Please debate this with the plantoid civilization supporters in its own thread.
Yet you thinking that they are not important IS your opinion
What is “they”?
Is “they” in reference to the many issues I stated? Because those are very important.
that’s the entire point, the fact that they are important.
My opinion is that I would rather play as an individual plant than force extra development on a mode of play that doesn’t directly tie in to the core gameplay path.
The issues that I based my opinion on, are not opinions. They are factual problems that need to be overcome, if “plant strategy mode” is to exist. You cannot have plant strategy without solving these problems, unless you gut the effectiveness of the other planned mechanics standing in its way.
That is non-negotiable. The problems will exist if plant strategy exists. They either need to be solved, or sacrifices will need to be made at the altar of plant strategy.
You want to disallow plant organisms from using castes? or not allowing them to have castes that are motile?
Sure, go ahead.
…or you could just… allow sessile animals to be played as they will be in the patch that was recently released to the patrons… you tell me which is a waste of time.
Please address the actual problems presented, instead of taking issue with a tiny portion out of a much larger post.
Considering how much other people talk about sentient plants and other plant stuff. For example:
I have to concur with this sentiment:
You do realise that hhyyry isnt a game designer right?
I think why not have a normal playing mode AND a strategy mode for spreading your population for both plants and animals, you just wouldn’t be in normal playing mode as much while being a plant.
Isn’t the strategy mode for plants kinda similar to managing a civilization in later stages of the game anyways?