As I was playing the new update, I noticed that my population on the patch map and the report screen didn’t increase above 50. It worked earlier when playing on this save, but at some point it stopped working. On the editor tab the population seems to be correct (it says 946 in the auto-evo prediction), but my cells aren’t present in the patches I’ve been in according to the patch map. This might be a bug with the migration feature, as I tried it out earlier in my run, but I didn’t notice the population error till several generations after using it. Maybe it happened immediately after and I just didn’t notice. I’ve attached the log for today’s game session with a pastebin link below.
If there is anything else I can give you, let me know. The problem is I don’t exactly know what caused this bug.
This is caused when auto-evo doesn’t like your species at all, and wants it extinct. From 0 population the bonus for getting to the editor is 50. So you always end up with 0 population but by getting to the editor you get a bonus of 50. Thus you are stuck at that value until you edit your species so that the simulation likes it enough to give it a bit of population.
Again, if auto-evo wants you dead, it will kill off your population in each patch where you aren’t (and thus don’t get the editor population bonus).
Also to address the title of your thread and what @GameDungeon mentioned: the prediction is not fully accurate. And even if the prediction was made more accurate, it still wouldn’t account for the competition that also get to evolve. So even if the prediction was 100% correct, then in the next editor cycle the AI species have been given a chance to mutate and they might be more effective in competing against you and as a result your population is lower than what the prediction showed.
This thing happens to me in every game, and because of this, if I were to die once, I would go extinct
today, in one generation, my population in the patch I am in went from 882 to 50
population in the world went from 1448 to 50
Possibly important but probably not:
Hard Difficulty
Experimental Features off
I have been migrating most of my population (70-90% -ish each generation) from patch to patch, because the patch keeps running out of food
I don’t know if this is only a visual thing. In a previous game, my population refused to change, and I starved to death once and instantly went extinct
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(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Most likely autoevo simply doesn’t like your species so it lowers your populace to the minimum of 50. If it wasn’t the player, it’d go extinct.
Hard difficulty makes auto-evo harsher (due to higher osmoregulation cost) so maybe you can try the normal difficulty? Also I assume you are playing the latest release which means that you have access to the organelle suggestion feature. This is directly coming from auto-evo, so if you mostly follow those recommendations it is easier to build a species that auto-evo likes.
Funnily enough just today I made a new difficulty option for controlling auto-evo strength on the player. Right now it is 20% but with that change it will go up to 50% for normal difficulty and 80% on hard difficulty.
Hopefully I don’t regret that but it needs to be done for next release in order to give time to polish it before full microbe stage release.
That’s because auto-evo has no support for multicellular species. So when you became multicellular auto-evo stopped affecting your species at all. And so just the player reproduction bonus after that gives you population.
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(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Thanks to that the population of your species can skyrocket (in macroscopic and beyond even if you’re in such a patch where you should be dead).