Poison shots is not displayed (GLES2)

Log Thrive v.0.5.10 Windows 64-bit, on GLES2(Can’t play on GLES3).
Possible lines with errors: 186, 240, 278, 503-519


186: SHADER ERROR: Built-in function “textureSize(sampler2D, int)” is only supported on the GLES3 backend, but your project is using GLES2.

240: ERROR: Index p_shape_index = 8 is out of bounds (total_subshapes = 6).

503-519: Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
ERROR: Parameter “ptr” is null.
at: godot_icall_0_7 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:66) - Parameter “ptr” is null.
ERROR: Parameter “ptr” is null.
at: godot_icall_1_15 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:137) - Parameter “ptr” is null.
ERROR: Parameter “ptr” is null.
at: godot_icall_1_24 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:227) - Parameter “ptr” is null.
ERROR: Parameter “ptr” is null.
at: godot_icall_1_15 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:137) - Parameter “ptr” is null.
ERROR: Parameter “ptr” is null.
at: godot_icall_0_7 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:66) - Parameter “ptr” is null.
ERROR: Parameter “ptr” is null.
at: godot_icall_1_15 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:137) - Parameter “ptr” is null.
ERROR: Parameter “ptr” is null.
at: godot_icall_1_24 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:227) - Parameter “ptr” is null.
ERROR: Parameter “ptr” is null.
at: godot_icall_1_15 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:137) - Parameter “ptr” is null.

I don’t think any of those errors are related. I just tested myself with forced GLES2 mode and I can confirm that the environmental particle effects and the toxin particle effects do not display at all.

I’ve opened an issue:

But please note that GLES2 issues are not a very high priority and in fact we’ve had a problem with the chromatic aberration being broken there for 2 years and no one has even done the bare minimum of forcing that effect disabled there. Just like the warning popup says, which you should get each time you play in GLES2 mode.