Post your evolutionary and thrive stereotypes here

Here is a example of one of my funny evolutionary stereotypes:
Tiktaalik- this funny looking froggy-fishy thing flopping and opening its mouth and being lazy in general, and making weird tetrapod noises
Dog- A cute thingy that is running around and is rather intelligent


Dinosaurs are so stereotyped I can’t think of one that isn’t. Stegosaurus is dumb, velociraptor is ten times bigger than it should be and ruthless, T-Rex is big, scary, and limited in some way, either slow or bad eyesight or something, nothing has feathers, ect. Edit: also pterosaurs are stereotypically dinosaurs, and oil is dino bones.

Neanderthals are also sadly thought of in inaccurate ways. They weren’t dumb, they were smarter than sapiens, you know?

Snakes are evil and backstabby. Carrots are good for you eyes. Lemmings are suicidal. Owls are wise. Microbes are universally slimy for some reason. Anything that looks vaguely like a pine is a pine.

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“slow”? You mean fast, in movies they are always depicted as faster than they would normally be

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velociraptor is ten times bigger than it should be and ruthless

Actually I always pictured a velociraptor as this tiny dinosaur that roams in hordes and kills bigger dinosaurs on the way

When I was little, giraffes were anomalies to me. Not because of the cool neck, but because it was the only animal that didn’t make a sound. Pigs do oink-oink, cats meow and humans talk.


sure giraffes are mysterious, but you never questioned what sound the fox makes?


one word:


that stuff give me nightmere in my today biologic exsam
its have end and style in the same time.
its have to much power


Idk, maybe talk to French boys from asteroids?

Six words.







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It's five tho

(please don’t read this comment as rude. I’m not trying to be rude. I’m just pointing a miscalculation.)

In Russia, the fox says “Tyaf-tyaf” like dogs when they are especially “cute”, and if they are not cute, they say “gaf-gaf” or “waf-waf”, because of this he never understood the question from It’s probably obvious what kind of song. We have many more funny animal words, I can basically tell about them

“Dinosaurs are reptiles, which means they are cold-blooded.” At the same time, dinosaurs mean everyone - from pterosaurs, and, in fact, dinosaurs, to Permian synapsids and even earlier tetrapods

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Just a reminder, this is about your funny personal biology stereotypes

improperly manufactured mitochondria may cause chronic fatigue and even minor mismanagement of the body’s materials

6th grade cell unit at my middle school in a nutshell
kids back during the cell unit were saying stuff like"stop being such a mitochondria", or “stop being such a nucleolus”

but if neanderthal are smarter than us, then why did we last to this day and not them?(Its called the cognitive revolution, and it happened to us first)

because we were more social

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what about the cognitive revolution then

you mean this? the intellectual movement that began in the 1950s?