Psychology of Organisms

I not sure which subcategory this should go under, but how will the game handle the Psychology of organisms and their feelings, assuming this something that is added later on?

For instance, loss of a tribal member in Tribal Stage. Or an organism has to runaway from forest fires in Sentient Stage. These traumatic events can negatively affect the mental health of an organism, and continue to affect the organism long after the event has passed.

And this is just examples of negative Psychological events. What about positive Psychological events?


I guess they’d be modifiers to how actions play out. They could also modify the behaviour statistics of a creature…

What about developing certain Psychological conditions, such as obsessive compulsive disorder? Imagine a sentient organism that is a neat-freak and begins to dislike its fellow members for being too messy…


There are simulation systems that can handle stuff like that. What I’d imagine is when you bump into someone they get randomly assigned some traits, biased by the conditions they grew up in. You’d get to see exactly how this plays out in awakening because you’d know your whole tribe, but in future stages you could fudge a lot of that, because there’s no reason to show the player the traits directly, and it’s not like you saw them grow up, so it’s fine if their backstory is a bunch of gauge nonsense, some of which is just setup. I’m thinking something like a paradox game. If we can that route, we could also… not. It’s kinda overkill.

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Most likely such a feature would be primarily for tribal, and possibly the transistion into society too.