Questions for the 0.6.7 release Thrivestream

Ask your questions to be answered during the livestream here (maximum of 2 questions per person, please). We’ll answer as many questions as we have time for during the stream while also taking questions from the live chat (and answering the priority questions first).

Watch it here:


Hello. I’m new here. And I have two questions related to each other.

  1. When do you plan to implement Surface area & Volume ratios, dynamic environment (compounds aside from oxygen, I heard oxygen difference is already implemented in this update) and organelles regulation (such as controlling processes in the cell)?
  2. How much updates do you think the developers team may finish until the end of this year? Looking at roadmap I think that aside from various fixes and graphic changes, there are not so many systems to be implemented (from what I remember, these are Surface area/Volume ratios, dynamic environment, environmental tolerance, stamina system and various changes in editor). Okay, this is probably a lot, but still, how many do you think you have a chance to implement in this year?

Hello I just made this account to ask questions. Started playing the game recently, and I like it.

  1. Are there plans to add multiple toxin sources or delivery methods?
    Such as having multiple separate toxin components rather than just two that can create any poison, and/or some having production costs other than ATP; and different delivery methods like waves, clouds, or direct contact/spikes.

  2. With the endosymbiosis feature being added, are there going to be any future additions that lock players out of gaining some cell features directly?
    (I can’t think of what this could be other than a new system, different kinds of unlocks, or some kind of effect tied to the nucleus)

  1. It’s been a long journey, and although development is far from over, I want to ask you what it’s like to work on a game that’s almost a decade old and can be said to have gone through several generations of developers already?
  2. What do you imagine the “finished” look of the environment to be in patches on the Microbe Stage?
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Do you think that development speed is increasing or decreasing over time and how do you think will that change in the future?

  1. What might be added to the new toxin custimization system in the future and will one be able to add individual effect perhaps?

  2. I’m not sure what full eybiosynthesis means but will we potentially be able to create better versions of an organelle through embyiosnthesis eventually? Such as a better output or by consuming less resources for a similar output?

  1. When do you plan to add that Auto evo can use organelle upgrades? There is now quite a amount of them and it does make impact

  2. What is your favorit new feature this update?

  1. What kind of questions would you like people to ask for a thrivestream?

  2. What are your feeling about Thrive?


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