Why did @gamedungeon rejected this suggestion without stating any reason?
All the rejections have a reason. Only this one doesn’t.
How can you reject something if you don’t have any reason to do so?
Urination is a fact of life. Even microbes would do it. There’s going to be reproduction in the game. It should be okay for it to happen as long as its not happening in a human way. So, after nitrification and denitrification gets added, how nitrogen moves between cells should also be acknowlaged.
Nitrification is the burning of ammonia using oxygen.
And denitrification is the thing doomlightning was talking about
it is the using of the “soot” created in nitrification, rather than oxygen itself, to burn down glucose. It is an anaerobic respiration type.
“For example, assume 500 units of energy are produced by trophic level 1. One half of that is lost to non-predatory death, while the other half (250 units) is ingested by trophic level 2. One half of the amount ingested is expelled through defecation, leaving the other half (125 units) to be assimilated by the organism. Finally one half of the remaining energy is lost through respiration while the rest (63 units) is used for growth and reproduction.” Ecological efficiency - Wikipedia