Quick Question Thread

Possibly. I dunno, because i haven’t done it yet, but i will once i get to school tomorrow!

Why would it be? The point of open source is that anyone can get the source code, compile it, run the software, modify it, and if they are so inclined contribute back to the open source community by submitting their code changes back.

The only thing related to that that I’d object to would be if someone setup a “competitor” to the official DevBuilds by providing easy downloads for anyone to get very often updated compiled Thrive versions. Even if that happened I wouldn’t be super worried, only a bit worried. As that person would need to somehow fund the download bandwidth (depending on how they would host the files) and setup automated builds as if they did it manually, they’d eventually just get tired.


Oh boy! If hh says its fine, its fine! Time to -pirate- fork a copy of the game to see what juicy new content is in it!
(the pirate is supposed to be strikethrough but strikethrough doesnt work…)

strikethrough works just fine though when you know how to use the right markdown…

Thing is, i don’t…
Ah Belgium. Anyways…
forks the game but accidentally downloads a malware in the process HOLY CRAP!
computer explodes
Well, there goes half the annual school funding… Seinfeld Laugh Track - YouTube hey! That isn’t funny! :rage:

will eyes just make sight better or will you not have sight when not editing. will you get to modify how many hexagons are in your compound eyes?

Remember: the simple eye (like that of a human) has hexagons too, just on the inside (retina)

oh huh never knew that

Humans have simple eyes? I wouldn’t call humans eyes simple.

A simple eye is an eye made up of one large eye, rather than multiple smaller eyes like a compound eye.

No, a simple eye is an eye that doesn’t have a complex structure. Human eyes have a complex structure.


Oh. I forgot.

Do AI cells evolve camoflauge?

Yes, if there is selective pressure for it.
Also, welcome to the forums, BlackCurrent!
Please enjoy your stay!

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Note that auto-evo has no selective pressure for it yet, it will only happen if the player regularly kills cells that don’t have camoflauge.

The player can be selective pressure, though, right? Like, evolutionary pressure?

Interesting, I thought it happened automatically. Time to kill all cells without camoflauge.

Whenever a cell dies on screen around the player, it’s population decreases to reflect it’s performance.

This means that each time you successfully hunt a cell it decreases that species’ population and even has the potential to lead to extinction.

This means that cells that are hard for the player to see have a higher chance of surviving, and thus perform better than those the player can see. Assuming the player is such a menace to life that is. If you’re just occasionally snacking on a cell here and there it won’t have much of an impact.



I’ve encountered sharp objects which look like large, double-ended pili, floating around. They cannot be ingested, and they cause injury. I thought this might be a bug, but I saw something mentioning ice fragments. Is that what those are?

Yes, these are ice shards.