Quick Question Thread

Did you happen to change the “plan” in the development of the game? Before it seemed to me that you wanted to do one phase at a time, while now it seems that you are working on prototypes of more phases at once… What has changed?

I specify that I am just curious and, in fact, I really like this change.

Microbe stage still is and will be the main focus of the game, at least until the 1.0.0 update, on Which we’ll move onto multicellular. The images shared on every stages are only prototypes.

Although I think no one will stop developers from joining for working on later stages, they should Keep in mind that some features will probably be dependant on earlier stages.

If you’re wondering on what’s missing from microbe stage, here’s a roadmap which has some features and bugs that have yet to get added/fixed in microbe stage


Well I’m the only developer working on the prototypes right now. So I guess if it now seems that only prototypes are being worked on, that just shows how large portion of the work regularly happening on the game was done by me…


when will macroscopic get metaballs? and couldn’t you just make the skybox the same background as the 2d editor? i just want to know how easy things would be for them not to be grey

edit: my bad i just need to be more caught up lol

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The skybox was already changed during the last weeks and it will be present in the next release

33 posts were merged into an existing topic: Blind Civilizations

Question here: When do you see the listed monetary goals on patreon to be completed? (based on what you have seen so far)

The Patreon seems pretty stagnant at the moment, it is hardly going up and there’s been multiple months with it going down. We did briefly cross the goal, but that was only thanks to a one super generous person’s one off pledge. I don’t really see us crossing the Patreon goals (more than maybe just the one we have been pretty close to for like a year at this point), unless the game gets a lot more popular.

I want to auto get the ammonia and phospane stuffs but how to do that?

If you play the game with default settings, you automatically get ammonia and phosphate, just at a slow rate. You can add parts to your cell which produce extra ammonia, but not currently phosphate.

Related question: is a phosphate-producing organ something which might be added?

Unrelated questions: Why do several people on here use ‘Belgium’ as a swear word? Is anyone on here from Belgium?

That’s weird - my post seemed to be auto-edited when I posted it, and a quote was removed. :thinking:

Belgium is a reference to Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, where it is the worst explicative in the extraterrestrial community. Often things on this forum are auto censored to ‘Belgium’ or the Belgian Flag

As thats impossible IRL


Oh, okay. Why is it impossible?

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I dont remember the exact details

well, phosphorus is a really uncommon element to come by, so making phosphate has likely never evolved, and unforetunately, might never evolve! :frowning:

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Phosphorus have been from the beginning of life as a limit grow.
The only sources of them come from rocks (and magma side prodact) after water rosted them. Even today, the Phosphate come from rocks that make our plants foods grow better.
Soo a life that can make its nor the derict right of evolve. That u right
But maybe using rock as Phosphate soruse can and possible to be evolve, but unlikely becuse its just hard to do so and not very favorable evergy efficiency

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and what about sulphur? :?

Sulphur have the same limit as Phosphate, but its more common in volcanic and have more overall.
They just more common becuse that how its happan
But also less use in biological process, soo comparing to Phosphate, they just less needed over all (but still nessery in alot of process like protein folding)

That just happan to be that Sulfire just more common then Phosphate

The reason why you can make ammonia in the game is that nitrogen fixation is a real, really common process. Producing phosphate “out of nothing” would violate the laws of physics.


Does Health scale with Size?

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