
Nigel, what is the opposite of that?

stop close scratching the head of same termite out the singularity and staying away from them to stay away from the possibility of them transforming into radiostrocities
i tried my best to use as mny antonyms as possible

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Mutation: A hydrogen bladder for basic flight.

Action: Expand the colony.


This ant has bipolar personality disorder

how did you guess my next mutation?!?!?!?!

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Mutation: Develop larger mandibles

Action: Murder non-ant bugs Luke termites and dung beetles.

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Round 2 - 12:00, April 25th, 2000

Round Prologue
As the Sun’s shield set’s high in the sky, the ant we’ve carefully watched for a few hours now in the forests of Nicaragua has been developing more features and doing various things…

The Organism
The Cells of The Organism (or TO for short) have became even more resiliant to the damaging effects of ionizing radiation (+1 MH). Meanwhile, some of the oil glands have been repurposed to produce the “Evolving Tissue”, allowing this strange cancer-like structure to be spread across the environment (+1 S). A very important thing has happened aswell - by electrocuting water, the ant has been able to produce hydrogen and store it in a bladder inside itself, allowing itself to become so light that it can fly (+1 ME). It’s metabolism has also improved to support this new radical way of moving (1 Resource can now be turned into 2.5 Energy). Also highly importantly, The Organisms has started to become a queen of it’s own, betraying it’s home hive (+1 MH). To be even better at fighting, the organism has also greatly increased it’s mandible’s size and strength (+1 S). TO’s oleic glands have also increased their production of oil, but not by much (+0.5 MH).

Being a Queen responsible for it’s children, TO has started to insert the Evolving Tissue into other ants in the colony. They already seem to show first signs of evolving, however it looks to be a lot slower than the one of TO (+1 S). After that, TO sent some of those workers for exploration of the surrounding area, finding many insects and even a rival nest (+1.25 R)! It attempted to take down this other nest, however so far the two are stuck in a stalemate (+0.5 R). The Queen attempted to heal from events of previous hours, however instead of regenerating some of it’s tissue has died (-1 H). TO then started to spread oleic acid all over the nest, resulting in the many “newborn radiostrocies” being isolated and working on their own. This has allowed The New Queen to eat those who have fallen without any negative consequences (+1 R). The Queen also managed to hunt some flies with it’s new weaponry (+0.5 R) and after that, it procedeed to interact with one of it’s children, after which it went away from the nest, finding some food (+1 R).

With all those new features being discovered in TO, it now looks much more dangerous than before - A queen bullet art with an army of minions, ability to fly, usage of painful bites with venom and electrocution and oil secretion. It’s still a mystery if this lifeform could take down an adult human, but perhaps soon it will get it’s chance to shine?

(+2,5 MH, +1 ME, +3 S, 1 Resource can now be turned into 2.5 Energy, +4.25 R, -1 H,

HEALTH - 6/14.75
RESOURCES - 2.25/11 (used 2 R to create 4 E)
ENERGY - 1.5/11


HUMAN AWARENESS LEVEL - “No-one knows that you exist”


  • Evolving Tissue
  • Radiation Sickness Resistance
  • Jaw Electrocution
  • Venom
  • Better Pheromones
  • Oleic Acid Secretion
  • 1 Resource can now be turned into 2.5 Energy
  • More Radiation Resistance
  • ET glands
  • Hydrogen Bladder
  • Being a Queen
  • Larger Mandibles
  • More Oleic Acid Production

Reserva Natural Sierra Quirragua, Central Nicaragua
(Removed to not take up forum space)
(Red dot represents current location)


IMPORTANT: From now on the cost of casting a mutation/action will be more basing off how “large” a mutation/action is, and will be overall lower (the new “averge” is 0.5 R/E for M/A). This round I just used 0.5 cost for everything.

Some additional rules and stuff:
-If size of the organism increases, so will the organism statistics, aswell as their effects (so if you double your size, the organism has double in height statistics, and it consumes 2 energy/round passively).
-Actions such as converting resources into energy, or turning resources into health, don’t cost energy. However, if you don’t have resources nor energy, you can draw your health bar (meaning that it’ll have a lower cap) in order to regenerate energy just like resources.
-You can regenerate more than just 2 energy in one resource/health-to-energy action. However, the more energy you want to regenerate, the increasingly assymetrical will be the requirement (2 energy require 1 resource, 4 require 3, 6 require 9, 8 require 27 and so on). If you increase your size, this will however be shifted (if it doubles, 4 energy will then require 2 units, 8 require 6, etc.)

@CatSquared and @Centarian Please cast additional “lesser features” for mutations you’ve given this round, since you rolled 6 for them (they are guaranteed to succeed).


mutation: egg cells now have the machinery to steal genomes(more specifically, nuclei) and symbionts from the cells of eukaryotic organisms they’re laid on, and have the entire genome of the Evolving Tissue dormant within their cells until they reach the larval stage, it awakens then with two exceptions, those being almost-or actually- dying before becoming a larva, and getting excreted before getting a second half of a genome.

action: find a big leaf to bring back to the nesting chamber

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Mutation: Improve sound and vibration sensitivity.

Action: Hunt for larger prey with the help of mutated ant followers.

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Action: Gather resources

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I have suggestion of some kind of sort of events (?). Forum game owner would come up with the event and it’d be secret until announced in next round or between rounds.

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Mutation: Tentacles

Action: lay eggs


Mutation: Grow wings (the code is already there, it just needs to be accessed)

Action: FEED

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You need to add an extra minor mutation to your “Develop larger mandibles” mutation, like how if you added arms in a mutation you would be able to add fingers with an extra mutation. It is guaranteed to work.

Well in that case I’ll make the mandibles inject stomach acid into prey.


I like watching this forum game develop.
Some didn’t submit their M/A though.

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yeah they should really get on that

You (and anybody else here) can join this FG.
(Also, expect more “epic” stuff to occur in descriptions once TO actually starts to kill people - Round Prologues won’t be so boring anymore…)

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Mutation: Wings.
Lesser Mutation: Slightly stronger toxins.
Action: Expand the colony.

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@Nigel please submit your votes.