Random crash when playing early multcellular stage

I was playing on multicelluar stage until it suddenly crashed then I decided to copy the crash report and reload the game, after playing 3 minutes it crashed again for the same reason I think which pretty much means im likely softlocked in progressing any further into the game.

Thrive crash log - Pastebin.com

The important part of the logs is:

ERROR: Unhandled Exception:
ERROR: System.ArgumentException: Intended new member index may not be 0
ERROR:   at Components.MicrobeColonyHelpers.FinishQueuedMemberAdd (Components.MicrobeColony& colony, DefaultEcs.Entity& colonyEntity, System.Int32 parentIndex, DefaultEcs.Entity newMember, System.Int32 intendedNewMemberIndex, DefaultEcs.Command.EntityCommandRecorder recorder) [0x0002c] in <059a6e8017b947d18ebf2446d1e30318>:0 
ERROR:   at Systems.DelayedColonyOperationSystem.CompleteDelayedColonyAttach (Components.MicrobeColony& colony, DefaultEcs.Entity& colonyEntity, DefaultEcs.Entity& entity, DefaultEcs.Command.EntityCommandRecorder recorder, System.Int32 targetMemberIndex) [0x0000d] in <059a6e8017b947d18ebf2446d1e30318>:0 
ERROR:   at Systems.DelayedColonyOperationSystem.Update (System.Single delta, DefaultEcs.Entity& entity) [0x00071] in <059a6e8017b947d18ebf2446d1e30318>:0 
ERROR:   at DefaultEcs.System.AEntitySetSystem`1[T].Update (T state, System.ReadOnlySpan`1[T] entities) [0x0000f] in <71cea9262b2d4f47b57b59fbd6ae9b26>:0 

I’ve seen this crash before, and it should be fixed by this (once the patch is released):