Random Video Posting

I would not be surprised if someone already decided to make a mod, or is in the process of making a mod, of this very suggestion.

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That sort of mod would require lots of effort for the prototypal, rather incomplete Thrive releases that we see at the present, which are ought to be replaced by a new, better release once every 2 or so months.

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Finally! More desert stuff in Minecraft!

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Let’s hope they’ll remember about biome vote proper contents they promised to add one day…

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We will see if this is the case.

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Probably not this drop/update yet…

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It would be hilarious if a chicken got a duck coloration when a player named a chicken “Duck Dodgers”.

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Pretty sure it’s been a good while since any nametag easteregg was added…

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we kinda got something related to the badlands biome vote update with them adding cactus flowers, and only last week did they also add fireflies after promising to add them when they updated the swamps
so yea we’re more than likely getting the biome vote stuff in the future



EA legitimately needs to git gud.

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Which is the “best” game company right now?

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Perhaps we’d get a “warm update” drop of some sort since pretty all remaining biomes are of the hotter climates now…

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Valve because they’re going to release the Deckard this summer.


And excluding Valve?

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Revolutionary games/j

Well, pretty much, indie games. The people behind terreria are one of the best examples, but they haven’t made lots of games. Not many indie devs have time to make many games, and not many AAA devs have the scruples to make good games. Valve is probably the best AAA dev though.


So I guess Valve is the best of the two worlds, right?

How are SuperGiant Games? I know they made Hades.


Hm, never heard of those two things before…

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I can understand since there are so many videogames to keep track of. Hades is considered to be one of the greatest videogames of all time, and it won best indie Game of Year in 2020.