Ranking real life creatures based on how advanced they are in thrive stages(just for fun)

Was? Das hilft gar nicht nicht weiter und ist auch sehr unhöflich?
Understood what I said? No? Just learn German lol


Humans: 7.01
Salamanders: 3.1
Octopedes: 5.5
Pumpkins: :green_heart: (Jade loves these so much i cant properly give them a rating! Sorry!)

Organic compounds: 0.1-0.3
Colonial organisms: 1.9
Ascension Monke: 7.7

Sight Sword Loopy: 32.7 (they ascended three times and got to space stage captain’s badge 7!)

macroscopic polynucleates: error, no rank fits unicellular macroscopic organisms.

Congrats, doofus, you just broke the rating scale!

the funny thing is that macroscopic polynucleates actually exist.

While Sight Sword Loopies are something from Spore that KeegJam made.
That score, by the way, is the one i assign to the Sight Sword Loopies that i used in my Spore playthrough.