Remmortal and Genesis chat - The official Immortal, P.H and Genesis Forum game chat topic

First post in Remmortal

G.o.K. just got owned

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@doomlightning what does precision do?

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am i the only one who thinks putting 0s in multiple combat stats when your character is focused on combatā€¦a bitā€¦unwise? Like I get he can train and get more stats probably fast but stillā€¦

I mean I technically have 0s in everything too

But thatā€™s just cause almost nothing can hit/see me rn

If I was a being vulnerable to combat and looking for it then yeah Iā€™d definitely put minimum a one in everything

everyone have some form of attack
the minimun of dmg its 2 physical dmg come form the ā€œAttackā€ ability


ā€¦can that be reduced by an opponents defenses?

by default, yes
but also hit chance and dodge chance

but its very maiocer

Itā€™s taking me a lot longer than I thought. I hope that in the next few days we will start.

Life comes first

I have 4 left (because of the new one who joined)

aperantly Teaking have 2 summit and I did the first one and then I check his new oneā€¦
i fell stupid


I would say I have a pretty good start, Awakeners have no limit in potential, so I donā€™t exactly need magical potions and the such. Not to mention I gain a new power evetime I master one, and pyrokinesis is a good power when stranded on an ice wasteland of a planet. No enemies and perfect for training endurance and constitution stats. Not exactly OP but sufficient.

Because of some things out of my control, I felt more comfortable, since the work on everything is progressing slower than expected.

I will officially launch the game on Monday (my day off from academics).
Just a little bit left to work on.
For those who have recent changes, please tell me before opening.


Ok. I finished working on all the sheets!
Now everyone has a ready.
All thatā€™s left to do in the next two days is to work on the map and the turn page for everyone and weā€™ll start!


this time our location on the map will be random right?
since theres no sectors anymore

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They will be almost 100% randomize.

But sector have now diffrent meaning

Also know as ā€œzone controlā€

I succeeded!
It took 50% less time to distribute to everyone thanks to the change in where I do this!

I hope you all like what I have done so far. Iā€™m going to sleep and started doing your round already after.

had a good night


What are everyones abilities


Time for questions! : P

(Tho seriously I quoted doom a dozen times in our private chat with questions/comments lol)


Not going to share quite yet, definitely not publicly at this point in time

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All i got are bonuses

i have a chance to dodge things, canā€™t suffocate in light, and i canā€™t have permanent injuries. other than that itā€™s classified

I rolled a 5 on my luck roll.
I think thatā€™s good.

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