What did you all roll for luck?
I have the exact opposite of you. I cant hit anything, im at half health, and im not a plant.
HP - 15/30
Status - injert, bleed (2 HP for turn)
Available actions - Act - 2| Vote -1
doom gave me a choice of abilities based on my old character
i got titanomorphing right off the bat
i am very confident that i could beat most of yall in a fight with my set of abilities holy tea
you probably can, i have a max HP of 15 right now
I got Charisma as my ability, get dazzled
i picked a higher chance of not dying from fatal injuries and a higher regen rate
I haven’t picked mine yet cus they are all pretty mediocre tbh
I mean admittedly my race is going to get freaking overpowered real quick but I didn’t really get any good starter ability options, to the point that one of my options basically just reduces my stay point effectiveness by 50% and makes me loose all advantages of being incorporeal lol
(Not trying to say doom did a bad job or anything, loving how the game is set up from what little I’ve seen so far, this one section just seems a lil lacking for me in particular)
For great power, need great sacrifice
Well that’s what I was saying, I gain nothing from the Disinfected option which is the one I was referring to lol, just loose stuff
Again, rlly liking the game, just was mentioning got cus people were talking about abilities
soo u want a buff for that?
Let’s talk on our private chat for my character?
Bro got the rizzing option
With great rizz, comes great rizzponsibilities
3 words: ultra vampire otter
…well, and hematophagy ability, too…
…as well as another classified thing i get from this
5 words
time stop and a gun
good luck beating that
slippery. good luck beating that. good luck getting past my over 30 defenses, too.
If time is stopped then how do you attack? Checkmate
the nigel vs tea rivalry continues
silly otter, let me remind you of our score, 2-1
that 1 is gonna be the only thing you have
Time is my servant, all stops except for me, because all will kneel before the apostle of war…