
There are minecraft programmers that make it so that you can observe really far away.

Thrive doesn’t need to have voxels like Minecraft or No Mans Sky. Most games don’t

Anyway. Its not just terrain. There can be a second type of showing less details when far away

The extreme case of few details is no details. The game can load a lot more creatures than what is visible on the screen. You can have a herd of large mammals migrating on another continent. The game only needs to keep count of their position, and, the environment can start to be simulated when a predator-prey interaction takes place.

Every species needs to interact with the other ones at least once, right? To find out which one is more adapted and which one should go extinct.


Yes, but that doesn’t have to happen on the actual planet, it can happen in an environment simulated in the autoevo calculations.


The guy on the top has gone through a whole lot of Nomifactory pain. Nomifactory is minecraft but realistic and industrial (and painful!).

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Wasn’t there also that greg mod thing which’d require you to play for years for you to complete a single playthrough?

Nomifactory is a mod of a mod of Gregtech, which itself is a mod of Industrial craft.

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Right, the fabled gregtech mod…

I assume when implementing 3D stages, it’s gonna be just some limited render distance, with LOD stuff like in main post it has been shown. With enough demand or some programmers wanting to, it can be implemented sooner


It’ll most likely only going to see the light of development when we start nearing macroscopic and not much is left to do in multicellular…