Sci0927's first (intended) evo game

Sure you can.

Sorry, I was busy

slightly long response

Is it based in the 1-5 randomization system or can I just vote i.e. “move to {0}”?

Edit: I’ve got an Idea how it can be embedded in “1-5 randomization” system.

  1. You die in your current patch
  2. You move to your desired patch but you die in your previous patch
  3. Nothing happens (you stay in the patch you were before)
  4. You move to your desired patch
  5. You move to your desired patch + another randomly selected patch
    *If a person wouldn’t vote to move, then this :point_up_2: would not affect them

Edit2: What patch map are we using? Are we using a patch map at all? Maybe it should just stay simple.

I like your idea for how moving works that uses the 1-5 randomization so I will use it!
Patch map( patch icons based on thrive’s patch icons):

You are in [-3,0]

Vote: improve vacuole

Vote: Better at glucose + move to [-3, 1]

I think that there should be two randomizations. One for biology/evolution and the other for patch-patch movement. But you can do whatever you want.

Also sorry for being gone for 14 hours. I couldn’t fall asleep at night and when I finally did, I overslept real bad.

@null @Trappist-1e
Haven’t voted yet

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Vote: improve glucose digestion

Gimme Thermosynthase

I finished round 2


evo game - جداول بيانات Google

@doomlightning @Trappist-1e @fralegend015 @Null @Nie @TwilightWings21

We need access to the sheet.


should be fixed now

Vote: sexual reproduction (or Plasmid if not a opsine)

VGT? yeah you can do VGT.

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Chemoreceptor for finding resurces

Well, that other word to VGT.

Soo yes

Vote: more metabolosomes + move to [-2, 0]

Vote: VGT

More votes yes

Vote: VGT

What’s VGT?

Vertical gene transfer