So what happend when I was gone

I’m back now, so can someone basically recap the major things that happend


I think whilst you were gone there were 2 major releases which completed most of the 0.7.X roadmap items.


hey i remeber you for abusing the Vanity Name

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I’m sorry I did what?

talking to coolberry, not you

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What were they doing with the vanity name that you consider abuse?

he typed “ascended”

I mean most would quickly figure out they’re not ascended…

you remember me!, so thats cool


We sold our souls to open the gates of Hell and summoned an interdimensional acrhdemon that brutally slaughters anyone who has a name ‘Coolberry’ on internet forum dedicated to discussing game named ‘Thrive’ so today is your unlucky day.


Um, I don’t remember that happening? Can you give a link to the post where the “summoning” took place?

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The acrhdemon stepped on them :confused:

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You mean it stepped on what? The post, and erased it that way?

Yeahh, here’s the link though, if you wanted.

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That link doesn’t seem to lead to a valid location… So I guess there’s a demon roaming the forum now? Cool, can’t wait until letter-eating slugs make an appearance too.

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of corse i do

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You yourself have made your first appearance in nearly 2 months.

I wonder if yuyi will respond to their ban being lifted in 2027…