Society Simulation Social Experiment

I’ll eat grass and also hunt

What have I gotten from hunting?

I choose male. Also have I researched instruments?

Definitely. We currently have one confirmed player playing as female: Lipovomit.

Success but with only 10 health left. You gain 2 pieces of meat and 2 TP.

I cook the meat, then eat it, research Basic housing, and go hunt for deer.

Nevermind, switch to female. We need a equal gender balance.

Oh so we can mate…
What do I get from hunting?

Theoretically yes… but if anything against the forum rules are gonna happen, do them somewhere else.

What have I gained from hunting?

Hunt semi-successful. A wolf stole one piece of meat.

I will be announcing that Miro map will be deleted. Miro is compromising our security and privacy by revealing mine and other’s emails.

We will be moving to Google Sheets. This is hopefully the last switch.

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I cook the meat and eat it, then forage for materials to build a base.

Edit: I assume this means no TP.

If I can, I try to create a instrument, and gather the empirium to have a meal

Yes but specify the type of instrument you want. You can try to gather the Empirium for a meal though.

How about a flute? Also, who is in the Empirium?

Using my materials that I gathered, I build a hut with a fireplace, and search for berries to cook and eat.

I’ll eat some more grass

i will play (i will attempt to destroy the world and fail horribly)

May I destroy it with you?

You, Fralegend, and Nonametoseehere I believe.

For the flute your best bet currently is using animal bones.

makes a flute, and gathers @fralegend015 and @Nonametoseehere