Do we know when the next round will come?
You are startled awake by a simple text message, reading “UPDATE COMPLETE” . You realize you’ve slept significantly longer than you should, but a quick systems check shows everything is going according to your plans, as automated proccesses oversaw the Indiana Jones and Earth’s biosphere. As you calm down, you realize everything looks different in the ship’s cyberspace, while everything is in a similar position, everything’s a lot more compartmentalized, with new subfolders.
This new layout will hopefully help better keep track of your progress as life becomes exponentially more complex, for now, it’s time to get back to work, those extra 5 centuries of naptime have let your circuitry cool down to optimal functionality at a comfy absolute zero.
Ship logs
Sensor feed
Nothing to report
Subsystems status
AI Core
Nothing to report
No reconfigurations
Nothing to report
No reconfigurations
Nothing to report
No reconfigurations
Nothing to report
No reconfigurations
Shuttle docks
Nothing to report
No reconfigurations
hey, sorry for any false hopes, I’ve been working on the new layout for rounds, but the amount of data we’re working with is considerable, so could I ask what ypu’d like to see in this new layout? Thanks
As for me, I think it’s good enough, but will “Sensor Feed” detect changes to Earth’s environments and climates?
If someone invests in upgrading the sensors to do that, then yes, but I still have to put all of the AI upgrades you all already have
So from what I see, now we’ll be properly able to cooperate on upgrading the ship? I hope that no one uses this to kill other AIs.
Correct, you’ll be able to upgrade stuff for everyone or create a parallel system under your control
And is it possible to kill/damage other AIs? Not like that I’d do that, just asking.
If you have the means, you can attack other AI’s components, or develop advanced cyberwarfare and purge them from the AI core
Well I sure do hope that the ship doesn’t deevolve into AI wars.
whelp, time to develop a firewall! the new layout is good btw
I wonder how long will it take before first alliances/defense pacts are created…
Edit: @Ferrus_coloni Do you need any more feedback to start making the next round?
for now, no thank you, but I’m going through exams again, so it’ll take a hot minute, a 25.000K minute
I hope you’ll do well on them!
Edit: May I ask, when will you be ready to post the proper next round? June? July?
Edit2: It’s been two-and-a-half months now, isn’t it already the break?
Edit3: I guess this forum game is dead now
Yup the game is dead
Wait, how did you manage to make a post just 2 letters long?
Does hhyyrylainen approve of “nothing-posting”? I don’t think they do…
Ok i’ll change it. Also i used coloring to do it. I learnt it from someone else
I recall people using the html stuff to abuse the limit too.
Edit: Is this discontinued yet?
Edit2: It’s been 9 months now since the new layout was submitted and close to a year since the last proper round…
How has it been a year? It’s a shame, as it was a really fun game, with a lot of potential. I just hope that maybe it will come back.