Sol I, new life on an old world

Mutation: Signalling Agent
Action (normal): Using my new features (Nucleus, ER, Golgi) upgrade the hydrogenosome to it’s new heights (would this upgrade it to level 4?)
Onboard Action: Modify my code so that I can cast more Onboard Actions.


mutation: selective digestion
action: move all nucleic acids into two specific cells, turning them into nucleoids and changing my status from ‘multicellular prokaryote’ to ‘unicellular eukaryote’ without changing much about my organism structure

onboard action: more onboard actions


Mutation: Attempt Endosymbiosis, using Salinospeculum Arborea Brachiata.
Action: Reproduce.

Update: More advanced software, increasing update rate.


Mutation: Cell signaling

action: Improving the Bacteriochlorophyll

Update: Window XP+ (jk the real vote is to improve the tool useage/better tools)


M: alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (ADH1)

A: more food

U: Better Tools to tinker around

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M: RNA polymerase

A: use some of the membrane vaculom to just that to defense on farther on the RNA vuculom (NPC)

OA: upgreat tools pls

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Mutation: modify my RNA into proper DNA

Action: refine my genemodding tools for more radical mutations to be possible in shorter spans of time



You’ve wasted no time in upgrading yourself with your new permissions, and your tools are now rapidly becoming the bleeding edge of humanity’s technological might.

As you continue with your mission on Earth with your new equipment, your mind wanders off during downtime as printers churn away at the new schematics you’ve given them, and you begin staring out of a camera into the depths of space, even after all this time, the planetary nebula left behind by a red giant Sol still adds a light tint to the blackness of interstellar space; however, when directly looking at the areas of the sky where the other planets should be, your mind feels fogged, and while a white dwarf’s low luminosity should be the culprit of their dissapearance from the skies, a quick peek at your orbital tracking subprocess only reveals Sol and Earth, not even gravity well readings reveal anything else; and if you force input the expected orbital distances on your sensors, they once again feel clouded, as if something is preventing you from seeing any other celestial bodies.

New data (setting updates)

I should have specified further, my plan was for people to choose between “species actions” and “AI actions” per turn , in order to add a strategy element to the game, I’m going to count everything you inputted this round anyway, but I’ll have to work a system to display AI actions within the round “briefings” from now on

AIs (players)

Species: Obscurus Megaminuta (Dark Large-Small)
Action result: your refine your hydrogenosome further, making it above averange in performance (hydrogenosome upgraded to level 3)
Size: 90nm^2
Standard membrane (special properties: phagocytosis, low pressure resistance, salinity resistance, endocytosis, chemoreception, signaling)
Nucleus + Endoplasmatic reticulum + Golgi apparatus (immensely increased genetic stability, allows for precise organelle modification)
Antifreeze proteins vesicle
Hydrogenase protein
Hydrogenosome (level: 3, refined)
Melanin protein
Storage vesicle
mobility: 0,7
stealth: 1,1
agression capability: 0,5
intelligence: N/A
Status: sub-optimal
+high population
–only present in 1 patch


Name: Bulla Tonitrui (Ball of thunder)
Action result: (now that I think of it, I should probably add a classification fro organisms, I’m taking your action into account, but I’ll have to add this to the list of stuff to revamp within the structure of the rounds)
Size: 120nm^2/cell
Double-layer lipid membrane (special properties: low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance, motile cytoskeleton, endocytosis, advanced intercellullar nanowire stitching, photoreception, selective digestion)
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Ammonia concentration vacuole
Hydrogenase protein
Nanowire assembly protein
Electrosynthase protein
RNA photodiodes
Salinosome (level 1, crude)
agression capability:0,75
intelligence: N/A
Status: endangered
–only present in 1 patch


Name: Kamen Yanju (Stone survives)
Action result: (I’m sorry, could you explain?)
Size: 95nm^2
Silicon-lipid membrane (special properties: phagocytosis, low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance, population perception/quorum sensing, RNA polymerase)
RNA vacuole
Endoplasmatic reticulum
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Storage vacuole (level 2: increased capacity)
Hydrogenase protein
agression capability:1,05
intelligence: N/A
Status: stable
+high population
-only present in 1 patch group


Name: Methanum Producentis (Methane producer)
Action result: you refine your bacteriochlorophyll, bring it up to standard performance (bacteriochlorophyll reaches level 2)
Size: 165 nm^2
Cellulose walled membrane (special properties: low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance, receptors (unspecialized for now))
Nucleus+Golgi apparatus (highly increased genetic stability ,allows for the maintenance of organelles)
Central vacuole
Antifreeze vesicle
Bioluminescent vesicle
Methanogenesis organelle (level 2, standard)
Chemosythase organelle (level 2, standard)
Bacteriochlorophyll (level 2, standard)
agression capability:0
intelligence: N/A
Status: sub-optimal
-only present in 1 patch group


Name: Archetypus Penguin (Original penguin)
Action result: you attempt endosymbiosis with a Salinospeculum Arborea Brachiata, which rapidly morphs into a smaller form, more reliant on the host for survivial, but more efficient at salt lens syntesis (unlocked salinosome, which lets your cell create and integrate salt-based non-orgnic components to your cell)
Size: 65nm^2
Melanin-rich membrance (special properties: low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance)
DNA (increased genetic stability)
Cilia (external structure, 3 sets present)
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Hydrogenase protein
PD0001 (true name pending, helps with material digestion)
Lysosome-derived chemical weapon
agression capability:0,8
intelligence: N/A
Status: stable
+high population
-only present in 1 patch group


Name: Salinospeculum Arborea Brachiata (Branching salt-mirror tree)
Action result: (AI actions will be accounted for next round)
Size:55 nm^2
Pseudopod formation-capable membrance (special effects: low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance, advanced external object manipulation, pigment control, salt filtration)
DNA (increased genetic stability)
Polished salt crystals (not part of the organism, boost anoxygenic photosynthesis)
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Hydrogenase protein
Chlorosome (level 3, efficient; performs anoxygenic photosynthesis, credit to @Solitarian )
agression capability:0
intelligence: N/A
Status: sub-optimal
+high population
–only present in 1 patch


Name: Stella Micans (glowing star)
Action result: you find some adrift organic matter to feed on, helping you gain a footing (population increased)
Size: 65nm^2
Standard membrane (special effects: low-pressure resisitance, salinity resistance, methane to methanol oxidation)
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Storage Vesicle (2 units present)
Bioluminescent vacuole
Hydrogenase protein
Alcohol dehydrogenase 1
mobility: 1,1
stealth: 0,5
aggresion capability: 0,15
survivability: 1,15
intelligence: N/A
Status: sub-optimal
+high population
–only present in 1 patch

SLUCA (non-evolving NPC) status: sub-optimal
-only present in 1 patch group

Available patches

El Charco sea group:
El Charco sea surface
species present: Parvus Obscurus(+), Bula Tonitrui(+), Kamen Yanju(+), Methanum Producentis, Archetypus Penguin(+), Salinospeculum Arborea Brachiata(+), Stella Micans , Minima Excandescentia(+)

El Charco mediopelagic
species present: Minima Excandescentia(+), Kamen Yanju, Methanum Producentis(-), Archetypus Penguin

El Charco sedimentopelagic
species present: Minima Excandescentia

Biome database

Sea surface: where this whole experiment began, this biome is has a relatively low salinity compared to the rest of the sea, it also gets somewhat illuminated at noon

Mediopelagic: the collective term that defines most of Earth’s new seas, stretches from the depth at which the sun’s light can no longer reach further nearly to the sea floor

Sedimentopelagic: a brine pool even by this world’s standards, not the true sea floor as salt becomes the main component instead of water before you can reach actual rock; however if you can surive most of the sea’s salt, you’ll be rewarded with most of every other non-organic compound the sea has accumulated


so that means that for instance I have a passive “AI Action” or what?


that thing taste purple

no, from next round onwards, I’ll try to organize rounds in a way that info is more cleanly displayed, and AI actions and their consequences will have their own tab separate from species; that’s why the result of your current AI action won’t show up

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So if I’d make an ai action on having more ai actions then would I be able to cast an ai action and species action for the same round?

in order to preseve the strategy element, I think it’s better to choose between species actions, however many you can have; or AI actions, however many you might have

…so I can choose between casting an x number of ai actions and an y number of species actions, right?

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just to make sure, when that happens i’ll be getting two nucleoids, a membrane layer removed from the membrane slot, and 4-8 unspecialized organelles?

M: improve salinosome

oA1: second mutation
oA2: make a drone that can pick up both liquids and solids and drop them, and fly to and from earth twice before refueling

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M: RNA vacuole
A: move to El Charco mediopelagic

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M: lysosome enhancement

A: The beginning of an attempt beyond the more practical… Predator


Mutation: Nucleus
Update 1: Extra Mutations
Update 2: More powerful Mutations.

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Mutation: Binding Agent
AI Action 1 (AA1): More Mutation Votes
AA2: More Species Action Votes

Change my species name to Obscurus Multicellarus (Dark-Multicellular)

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Mutation: Binding agent

action: Receptors respond to the cell signaling/signal agents of the same cell type

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