Sol I, new life on an old world

Mutation: Receptors (this will come in handy later)

Action: Improve Chemosynthase


Must’ve missed it when editing the round, I’ll correct it when I can
edit. done, it should be correct now

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It’s obscurus megaminuta not parvus megaminuta

Blockquote @Cha welcome to Eukaryota!

Thank you and welcome to Eukaryota too (and Catsquared soon)

btw Ferrus is this the world current apperance (due to it being the next supercontinent)


I’m working on an actual map, it’s based on the Amasia supercontinent model, specifically an older interpretation, because it keeps Antartica separate, and I plan on adding a “great sea” between it and the main supercontinent, giving an opportunity for speciation.

Mind you, it won’t be like Amasia in 250 million years, but the charred remains of it billions of years further into the future; and also I’ll give different regions made up names to add some flavour (for example: Antartica becomes Atlas’ Grasp)

However the shape of the plates should look like this


So Antartica will be still in the artic circle? (just curious)

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I think so
@Ferrus_coloni I’d like to ask, will the humans undertake steps to make this world more habitable or will it all be up to ourselves (AIs) to make it a better place? Since it seems to be rather hard to terraform a Mars-like world around a white dwarf all by non-sentient organisms.
Edit: what does “MPVF” stand for?

Tbh methane might aid in making the world more toleratable, just a guess though


@aah31415 well, the idea of the Herakles project is double-function:

be a proof of concept for low-habitability world colonization (even if said world never becomes habitable to humans, having anything organic at all on the surface would provide a source of food, fuel and psychological relief to a pressurized community, cutting down on costly imports)

there are many older species in this setting that are still depressed about losing their homeworlds, so they’d be interested in buying the League of Human worlds’ tech to bring their ancestral homes back to a limited capacity, even if much like Earth right now they’re just symbols of a species’ progress and of mainly turistic and spiritual value

@Cha well, I’m not sure how easy it would be to warm Earth, we have much higher volume of greenhouse gasses than a habitable world, but apparently we’d neeed to be at 0,01 AU to support Anthropocene conditions (not that we’re doing that anyway) while we’re at 0,5-0,7 AU; and even then we have a thin but very reflective ring system capturing additional light even if only a bit

as I said before, I can’t find enough data to make a proper temperature or climate pattern

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“Turistic and spiritual value”
How famous are our species? Are they taught at school?

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our species is a regional power in the Orion arm, we’re not one of the key superpowers of the cluster but we have a respectable sphere of influence and good diplomatic relations with everyone (basically space Switzerland)

also, our adaptable nature has earned us many jobs as diplomats, translators and the like; we aren’t taught in schools throughout the cluster any different from any country teaches about others, but we certainly teach in schools

as for the value of Earth, it’s like a museum, while everything within is long obsolete, it’s still cool to learn about it, and since it’s the homeworld of a species, it really puts into perspective how far said species has come


It would be funny if humans evolved again…

Can i join?


yeah, read the first post on the thread to get started

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It’d certainly show the humans who created this whole thing that something is up with evolution…
oh also @Ferrus_coloni are the humans by the time of herakles project unrecognizable or do they still look familiar?

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I would guess it depends on the homeworld of said human, some might look different but some might look human with minimal changes, like isn’t it stated Martians would be taller after a few generations on mars?

(Also rn just trying to see how an atmosphere with methane would affect the world now)

Water exist on this earth too right?


also ferrus, when I asked you about the terraformation thing, I meant what way will we/Earth develop out of the period when we are limited to el charco sea. As if, what way are we going to get out of it (unless we’ll be limited to it for the entire duration of this FG).

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@aah31415 by this time genetic engineering has become so common physical appearance is up to the individual, however many stick to a “defeault” appearance ressembling Homo Sapiens but drastically optimized (wisdom teeth fit in the mouth, the appendix has regained cellulose digestion capabilities, the intervertebral discs and other tissues are now capable of complete regeneration, all systems are as efficient as possible, and many other radical overhauls) to which additional custom modifications or cybernetic augmentations may be added, with these sometimes being parts of local planetary cultures

as for the plans for Earth, the League has decided to establish a pressurized colony in the region of Anthropos (the Rift valley and Madagascar, which were splitting from Africa during the Anthropocene, and which recieves its name due to being the point of origin of the first hominids) and reclassify Earth as a Scholarium world (basically R&D-focused world) under shared soveirgnty between the LHW and any sapient species that might evolve. As for us, the rest of the planet is ours under the condition of not blowing it up or dissasembling it for other projects

@Cha yes, liquid water, while scarce, is present on the surface, altough only barely, as the thin atmosphere difficults its existance, it’s also lethaly saline, I remember a formula that’d allow me how much salt is necessary to keep a volume of water liquid in a given temperature, but I can’t find it

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@fralegend015 were you thinking about joining the game and designing your cell?

I’m not interested in joining anymore

ROUND 7 (wip, misclicked)

You wake abruptly, like when you first did upon arriving to Sol, you recognize the feeling of crude, non-sentient programs messing with your source code at blistering speeds, it seems something big has happened on the planet below to warrant a significant system update.

A file sits forced on the forefront of your digital mind, seemingly self-updating to keep an up to date, if condensed, report about what these scurrying subprocesses are doing, it’s probably worth checking out, it’s in the “New data” section.

New data (setting updates)

[Console log, digital text communication medium, displaying…]
[Condition “Biomarkers_1” has been met, commencing high-depth biometric scan…]
[High-depth biometric scan complete, condition "Biomarkers_1 verified as true, executing attached functions…]
[Core code warning, are you sure you want to remove file “AILockouts_1” ?]
[“Autoadministrator” clearance accepted, “AILockouts_1” removed successfully]

[Newly created message, Herakles command, digital text communication medium, displaying…]
“Hey hey! If you’re reading this, then the automated survey systems detected the emergence and continued existance of eukaryotic life on Earth for a little while now; and since that proves you can be trusted, so we’ve scheduled the removal of some of the lockouts that prevented you from messing with your source code, you can now spend your periodic “actions” refining youself or your tools if you so choose, we look forward to seeing what you can do with this opportnity, happy bioengineering!”

AIs (players)

Species: Obscurus Megaminuta (Dark Large-Small)
Action result:you refine your Hydrogenosome further (your Hydrogenosome becomes more advanced, reaching level 2)
Size: 90nm^2
Standard membrane (special properties: phagocytosis, low pressure resistance, salinity resistance, endocytosis, chemoreception)
Nucleus + Endoplasmatic reticulum + Golgi apparatus (immensely increased genetic stability, allows for precise organelle modification)
Antifreeze proteins vesicle
Hydrogenase protein
Hydrogenosome (level: 2, standard)
Melanin protein
Storage vesicle
mobility: 0,7
stealth: 1,1
agression capability: 0,5
intelligence: N/A
Status: sub-optimal
+high population
–only present in 1 patch


Name: Bulla Tonitrui (Ball of thunder)
Action result: using your new photoreceptors, you swim towards the highest light concentration, countering the constant “dragging” towards the depths caused by your relatively large weight (prevented forced migration, for now)
Size: 120nm^2/cell
Double-layer lipid membrane (special properties: low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance, motile cytoskeleton, endocytosis, advanced intercellullar nanowire stitching, photoreception)
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Ammonia concentration vacuole
Hydrogenase protein
Nanowire assembly protein
Electrosynthase protein
RNA photodiodes
Salinosome (level 1, crude)
agression capability:0,75
intelligence: N/A
Status: endangered
–only present in 1 patch


Name: Kamen Yanju (Stone survives)
Action result: you break down marine snow for additional sustenance (increase in survivability, no extra population is awarded due to equilibrium being reached)
Size: 95nm^2
Silicon-lipid membrane (special properties: phagocytosis, low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance, population perception/quorum sensing)
RNA vacuole
Endoplasmatic reticulum
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Storage vacuole (level 2: increased capacity)
Hydrogenase protein
agression capability:1,05
intelligence: N/A
Status: stable
+high population
-only present in 1 patch group


Name: Methanum Producentis (Methane producer)
Action result: After a bit of trial and error, you perfect your chemosynthase organelle some more (chemosynthase organelle becomes more refined, reaching level 2)
Size: 165 nm^2
Cellulose walled membrane (special properties: low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance, receptors (unspecialized for now))
Nucleus+Golgi apparatus (highly increased genetic stability ,allows for the maintenance of organelles)
Central vacuole
Antifreeze vesicle
Bioluminescent vesicle
Methanogenesis organelle (level 2, standard)
Chemosythase organelle (level 2, standard)
Bacteriochlorophyll (level 1, crude)
agression capability:0
intelligence: N/A
Status: sub-optimal
-only present in 1 patch group


Name: Archetypus Penguin (Original penguin)
Action result: you let yourself sink for a while (spread to El Charco Mediopelagic)
Size: 65nm^2
Melanin-rich membrance (special properties: low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance)
DNA (increased genetic stability)
Cilia (external structure, 3 sets present)
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Hydrogenase protein
PD0001 (true name pending, helps with material digestion)
Lysosome-derived chemical weapon
agression capability:0,8
intelligence: N/A
Status: stable
+high population
-only present in 1 patch group


Name: Salinospeculum Arborea Brachiata (Branching salt-mirror tree)
Action result: you conserve energy for another time (no effect for now, increased action effectiveness next round)
Size:55 nm^2
Pseudopod formation-capable membrance (special effects: low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance, advanced external object manipulation, pigment control, salt filtration)
DNA (increased genetic stability)
Polished salt crystals (not part of the organism, boost anoxygenic photosynthesis)
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Hydrogenase protein
Chlorosome (level 3, efficient; performs anoxygenic photosynthesis, credit to @Solitarian )
agression capability:0
intelligence: N/A
Status: sub-optimal
+high population
–only present in 1 patch


Name: Stella Micans (glowing star)
Action result: you find some adrift organic matter to feed on, helping you gain a footing (population increased)
Size: 65nm^2
Standard membrane (special effects: low-pressure resisitance, salinity resistance, methane to methanol oxidation)
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Storage Vesicle (2 units present)
Bioluminescent vacuole
Hydrogenase protein
mobility: 1,1
stealth: 0,5
aggresion capability: 0,15
survivability: 1,15
intelligence: N/A
Status: sub-optimal
–only present in 1 patch

SLUCA (non-evolving NPC) status: sub-optimal
-only present in 1 patch group

Available patches

El Charco sea group:
El Charco sea surface
species present: Parvus Obscurus(+), Bula Tonitrui(+), Kamen Yanju(+), Methanum Producentis, Archetypus Penguin(+), Salinospeculum Arborea Brachiata(+), Stella Micans , Minima Excandescentia(+)

El Charco mediopelagic
species present: Minima Excandescentia(+), Kamen Yanju, Methanum Producentis(-), Archetypus Penguin (-)

El Charco sedimentopelagic
species present: Minima Excandescentia

Biome database

Sea surface: where this whole experiment began, this biome is has a relatively low salinity compared to the rest of the sea, it also gets somewhat illuminated at noon

Mediopelagic: the collective term that defines most of Earth’s new seas, stretches from the depth at which the sun’s light can no longer reach further nearly to the sea floor

Sedimentopelagic: a brine pool even by this world’s standards, not the true sea floor as salt becomes the main component instead of water before you can reach actual rock; however if you can surive most of the sea’s salt, you’ll be rewarded with most of every other non-organic compound the sea has accumulated