Sol I, new life on an old world

yeah, that was the plan, it serves as a template since the environment we’re working in is… exotic to say the least, and I want everyone to have a good grasp on what’s neccessary to survive

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what will be the case when SLUCA goes extinct? Will new players be unable to join?

I am guessing one SLUCA probably can’t go extinct due to samples most likely existing from the (whatever we come from again) and if it can be extinct then most likely branch of other players.

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We use viruses and nanites for mutations and actions respectively.
No SLUCA included.
Since it can’t evolve, it’ll probably become extinct if we change the composition of Earth’s atmosphere to something it cannot tolerate.

thank but what should i do ones i split from SLUCA

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You need to add 4 mutations to your species based off of SLUCA. You can read the way other players joined.

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the idea for SLUCA is for it to be a temporary “backbone” of the ecosystem, so it can show player species how to work in this environment, and support predatory niches before their species can move on to prey of their choice.

In a few rounds, it will be removed from the planet via designer plague, and only those in the ship will remain in a new “species templates” section available every round.

New players will be able to choose any of this tab’s species as the base of their organism, and any in-game player can spend an AI action (not yet available) to submit a small amount of population for their species, as it is during that round, to be selectable as a template by others, also, if any species goes extinct, be it NPC or player-created, it will automatically become a part of this template list.


Nice Explanation

Also asking, what do we have to evolve in order to unlock this, or does it just unlock itself after some time?

it will unlock itself in a few rounds, I blocked it off arbitrarily because I didn’t wan’t anyone accidentally deleting the ship’s system32 right off the start, but since everyone’s doing well, I think I’ll allow them soon


what happens then? The game ends?
Also, why would a spaceship 12 BY into the future still use Windows OS?

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well, we don’t use WindowsOS, but deleting system32 is an example of what could happen; besides despite Indiana Jones is a very advanced AND expensive vessel; and while I don’t plan on involving galactic geopolitics in this setting, I don’t think the governemnt would be very happy to see the poster boy project of the League of Human Worlds fail after blowing enough money to replace 3 industrial worlds’ machinery

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I don’t think a spaceship that carries a few AIs and stuff neccesary to evolve organism would cost that much, unless the cost includes allowing el charco sea to even exist

Also (while I do not plan to do that), would it be possible to use “AI actions” to… damage/kill other AIs?

Took a while because of the load shading. If anything is wrong, leave feedback.


Name: Stella micans
Nickname: Glowing star
Size: 65 nm^2 (thanks @Ferrus_coloni )

Non-walled membrane
Antifreeze proteins vesicle
hydrogenase protein

Bioluminescence vesicle
Storage vesicle x2


I think the size would be 65 nm^2, othrwise it’s allright



The galactic new year has come and gone, it always felt like an arbitrary time measurement to wider galactic society, but since you’re actually at Sol, the system that defined this unit of time, these 225.000 years feel more meaningful, time to make them count…

Through titanic effort, you’ve succeeded in creating a thriving ecosystem of simple organisms, some of them are even beginning to try their hand (or rather membrane) at multicellularity and task differentiation; you feel miscellaneous survey programs virtually nod in approval, the future is bright as it can be for a white dwarf system.

New data (setting updates)

so… I was looking up stuff for this setting, and apparently carbon dioxide freezes at just above -80 degrees celsius, so it can’t be a gas in the temperatures we’re working with; instead we’ll consider it part of a “seasonal atmosphere” and all species will be equipped with a “reverse sequestration” ability to release it from rocks when it’s not summer to make up for this

AIs (players)

Species: Obscurus Megaminuta (Dark Large-Small)
Action result: by tweaking your other cell components, your cell is able to more effectively accomodate its new nucleus (formation of nucleus goes without a hitch, welcome to Eukaryota!)
Size: 90nm^2
Standard membrane (special properties: phagocytosis, low pressure resistance, salinity resistance, endocytosis, chemoreception)
Nucleus + Endoplasmatic reticulum (immensely increased genetic stability)
Antifreeze proteins vesicle
Hydrogenase protein
Hydrogenosome (level: 1, crude)
Melanin protein
Storage vesicle
mobility: 0,7
stealth: 1,1
agression capability: 0,5
intelligence: N/A
Status: sub-optimal
+high population
–only present in 1 patch


Name: Bulla Tonitrui (Ball of thunder)
Action result: As your colonies grow and their components diversify, you feel your energy production and substance storage grow considerably; your colonies would now be tiny masses visible even to the simplest of microscopes if anyone had eyes already (increase in survivability species-wide, but your large form is beginning to drag you down)
Size: 120nm^2/cell
Double-layer lipid membrane (special properties: low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance, motile cytoskeleton, endocytosis, advanced intercellullar nanowire stitching)
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Ammonia concentration vacuole
Hydrogenase protein
Nanowire assembly protein
Electrosynthase protein
RNA photodiodes
Salinosome (level 1, crude)
agression capability:0,75
intelligence: N/A
Status: endangered
–only present in 1 patch


Name: Kamen Yanju (Stone survives)
Action result: you refine your engulfment capabilities (engulfment-related actions are now more effective)
Size: 95nm^2
Silicon-lipid membrane (special properties: phagocytosis, low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance, population perception/quorum sensing))
RNA vacuole
Endoplasmatic reticulum
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Storage vacuole (level 2: increased capacity)
Hydrogenase protein
agression capability:1,05
intelligence: N/A
Status: stable
+high population
-only present in 1 patch group


Name: Methanum Producentis (Methane producer)
Action result: After a bit of trial and error, you perfect your new organelle some more (methanogenesis organelle becomes more refined, reaching level 2)
Size: 165 nm^2
Cellulose walled membrane (special properties: low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance)
Nucleus+Golgi apparatus (highly increased genetic stability ,allows for the maintenance of organelles)
Central vacuole
Antifreeze vesicle
Bioluminescent vesicle
Methanogenesis organelle (level 2, standard)
Chemosythase organelle (level 1, crude)
Bacteriochlorophyll (level 1, crude)
agression capability:0
intelligence: N/A
Status: sub-optimal
-only present in 1 patch group


Name: Archetypus Penguin (Original penguin)
Action result: you continue hunting other species in your environment (increased survivability in patches with more species, no extra population is awarded due to equillibrium being reached)
Size: 65nm^2
Melanin-rich membrance (special properties: low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance)
Cilia (external structure, 3 sets present)
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Hydrogenase protein
PD0001 (true name pending, helps with material digestion)
Lysosome-derived chemical weapon
agression capability:0,8
intelligence: N/A
Status: stable
+high population
-only present in 1 patch group


Name: Salinospeculum Arborea Brachiata (Branching salt-mirror tree)
Action result: Using stored energy, you overhaul your chlorosome and increase its efficiency drastically (chlorosome becomes more refined, reaching level 3)
Size:55 nm^2
Pseudopod formation-capable membrance (special effects: low-pressure resistance, salinity resistance, advanced external object manipulation, pigment control, salt filtration)
Polished salt crystals (not part of the organism, boost anoxygenic photosynthesis)
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Hydrogenase protein
Chlorosome (level 3, efficient; performs anoxygenic photosynthesis, credit to @Solitarian )
agression capability:0
intelligence: N/A
Status: sub-optimal
+high population
–only present in 1 patch


Name: Stella Micans (glowing star)
Size: 65nm^2
Standard membrane (special effects: low-pressure resisitance, salinity resistance)
Antifreeze protein vesicle
Storage Vesicle (2 units present)
Bioluminescent vacuole
Hydrogenase protein
mobility: 1,1
stealth: 0,5
aggresion capability: 0,15
survivability: 1
intelligence: N/A
Status: near extinction
-low population
–only present in 1 patch

SLUCA (non-evolving NPC) status: sub-optimal
-only present in 1 patch group

Available patches

El Charco sea group:
El Charco sea surface
species present: Parvus Obscurus(+), Bula Tonitrui(+), Kamen Yanju(+), Methanum Producentis, Archetypus Penguin(+), Salinospeculum Arborea Brachiata(+), Stella Micans (-), Minima Excandescentia(+)

El Charco mediopelagic
species present: Minima Excandescentia(+), Kamen Yanju, Methanum Producentis(-)

El Charco sedimentopelagic
species present: Minima Excandescentia

Biome database

Sea surface: where this whole experiment began, this biome is has a relatively low salinity compared to the rest of the sea, it also gets somewhat illuminated at noon

Mediopelagic: the collective term that defines most of Earth’s new seas, stretches from the depth at which the sun’s light can no longer reach further nearly to the sea floor

Sedimentopelagic: a brine pool even by this world’s standards, not the true sea floor as salt becomes the main component instead of water before you can reach actual rock; however if you can surive most of the sea’s salt, you’ll be rewarded with most of every other non-organic compound the sea has accumulated


@Cha welcome to Eukaryota!

Mutation: Golgi apparatus
Action: Using my new structures, upgrade my Hydrogenosome

Mutation: DNA

Action: Migrate a small population to the mesolagic.

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M1: Particulate Methane Monooxygenase

A1: find some food

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mutation: photoreceptors
Action: stay in the light

M1: Sex pilus

A: Attempt to break down organic matter (if not possible, attempt to spread to a new ecological zone [niche])