Space faring microbes (panspermia)

Well, it could come from anywhere nearby Earth, and it could be in a tardigrade-like state of hibernation.

Then why isn’t life on every single planet? We haven’t detected it on Mars even tho we sent there so many missions, and it’s a lot more life-friendly than asteroids.

The solar system wasnt even anywhere NEAR existant in the time the universe was “filled with life”, according to the video itself.
Even if there were life on asteroids, it woulda died out by now most likely

Only the ones on earth were able to exit the hibernation.

and how likely is that scenario :cold_face:

It would need to have the right conditions, not found on Mars

You beat me to it.

It’s more possible than it forming so quickly on Earth, or Humans even existing in the first place.

gotta love a source that says “maybe” and “could have”.
concrete evidence right there, prime source

Wasn’t early Mars more life-friendly? And perhaps Venus too?

100%, if a lot of asteroids have life.

We can only speculate on this subject.

Yes, there may be undiscovered fossils of microbes or multicellular life.

True, but most evidence would of been destroyed in there apocalyptic ends.

so…youre saying only the ones that made it to earth in your scenario were able to exit their hybernation, even though they, in your scenario, evolved to HAVE such hibernation?

Other thing to consider:
DNA has a natural half-life, and after a few million years it would be unusable to any organism.
So how would asteroids travelling for millions of years deliver healthy microbes?
" 521 years

A study of DNA extracted from the leg bones of extinct moa birds in New Zealand found that the half-life of DNA is 521 years. So every 1,000 years, 75 per cent of the genetic information is lost. After 6.8 million years, every single base pair is gone." - Google


Well yes, as currently space is hostile to life, so they would need to slow down there metabolism to survive.

so to you and 50gens, life can evolve a way to hibernate for thousands if not millions of years (somehow), but it cant evolve traits beforehand to get out of said hibernation?

hibernating for 10 years isn’t different than hibernating for 100 years, or 100.000

they get out of it wherever they can.

They could be able to slowly multiply over millions of years, preserving the DNA, and via that evolution mutate to have stronger DNA with a longer half-life.

ah yes, evolving dna that has a completely different atomic makeup. totally possible within that timeframe, why hadn’t i thought of that…

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.

I don’t know how they can survive with their DNA being destroyed. Maybe a molecule more complex than amino acids but less complex than DNA can survive. When an asteroid carrying that molecule enters a habitable planet, abiogenesis still happens faster, explaining the sudden appearence of life on earth.

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It would be possible for there to be a sort of proto-DNA that is less complex, which could easily evolve into proper genomes.

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