Space faring microbes (panspermia)

Everywhere they say that you can talk about space faring microbes, but they will never be implemented. I think it really is an interesting topic though…

There you go, go nuts about space microbes :smile:

(Edit): What have I done

I moved this to #future-game because this is thrive related (or maybe #science)

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The first thing I thought of when I saw the title was microbes flying space ships (Which is obviously not possible).

Anyway, how would you even survive in space for long enough to make evolutionary progress? You can’t do it out in the void of space, as then you would have no materials to use. Surviving on an asteroid is more feasible, but still extremely hard compared to living on a planet. If you do opt to live on an asteroid, you have options for location, the exterior and interior.
With the exterior, first you have to make sure that you don’t just float out into space. Second, You have to be sure that you have a method of gathering resources, which you would have to be careful with as they can also be lost into space. Third, the light and temperatures would be intense, if you were on the light side you would practically burn up from solar exposure, on the dark side you would have to endure temperatures as the reach down to -270
degrees celsius.
As for interior, it is more feasible, but still hard. First issue is energy, as there is a limited amount of material inside an asteroid, you can’t rely on chemosynthesis for long, as you will quickly run out of energy rich material, and you obviously can’t photosynthesize. Second, what if somehow something broke through the asteroid? Be it a species inside or another asteroid, your hollow would quickly drain of air, water, and other important material into space.

Overall, life on an asteroid or other body would be very difficult, and getting anything past early aware stage would be practically impossible. Maybe it could be included into the game as some sort of challenge mode, but as a place you actually want to have a serious game on, no.

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I think they might be talking about panspermia:

which (last I heard) is a plausible way that life can move between planets as microbes (i.e… be spacefaring)

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Well I went on a complete tangent discussing a somewhat different thing (Permanent life in space), if that is the case.

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In thrive at least we are sticking with “life came from a hydrothermal vent”
I love weird alien environments so adding the ability to play in a super extreme environment like an asteroid is probably not totally impossible for us to add eventually.

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what if they made their own recycling self satiable ecosystem inside a ball of cytoplasm like jelly that could filter out radiation and and keep them from the vacuum of space couldn’t they survive like a mini earth with photosynthesizing cells or plants giving energy and air to animals with Respiration and they give the plants co2 and water. they could be free flouting in space or around an asteroid giving them the resources they need but cant produce. Although I don’t know how they would form in the first place maybe the jelly came first and they slowly formed in it or something.

“Filtering” radiation would be extremely difficult to do as anything living can be harmed by radiation, as it alters compounds and makes them unstable (i think thats how radiation works) So a more feasible option would be to reflect it back into space somehow or make a “magnetosphere” around the cell or asteroid.

Can you reflect radiation? AFAIK matter can only absorb radiation. Water is quite dense so it could work as a radiation shield if there is enough of it. But I find the concept of microbes doing very well in space improbable.


it would absorb it like sun lotion or by having a pigment or being thicc
also don’t ruin my dreams ok hhyyrylainen, just don’t

Argument in favor of panspermia. Intelligence may have appeared everywhere in the universe at the same time, which is right now.

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How tf would microbes survive the atmospheric entry and their asteroid’s anihilation?

The primordial universe had a minuscle quantity of phosphorus, which is highly important for living beings since it’s used in the genome.

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“low, but not zero, survival rates”

Less than carbon and oxygen?

Phosphorus is also rare in the modern universe.

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“lets replace the reason there’s life on earth with something that relies on EVEN MORE chance.”

tbh i watched the video before you posted it here and i think that the possibility in the video is even less likely than life evolving on earth.

Cant wait for scientists procure some concrete evidence on the origin of life tho instead of speculation

It doesn’t require more improbable events. It increases the time and places abiogenesis could have happened.

This hypotesis explains why life appeared on earth so suddenly. That is the evidence.

True, it would be more likely as there would be more time to do it and there would be more locations for it to form.

what im saying is the whole panspermia thing is horrendously unlikely. Life would have to be on an ateroid, survive for millions if not billions of years, and then miraculously make its way into the solar system, or even into another planets orbit.
With the VAST expanse of the universe, tell me that life making its way here is likely.

Dude the video says all the asteroids in the universe have life. Or a lot of them. Every rocky body was habitable.