Space opera thing

I know who mark is:

yoooooooooooooooo i never thought about it like that

tlep, who had been alone there entire life. began to grow as a human. they had never experienced the love of a parent, as tlep was grown in a test tube, nor the love of a sibling. mark taught tlep how to love. they had pancakes together. fished in the nearby lake. they grew a fondness of one another and eventually asked an old man who was a pastor to have them married. they had grown acquainted with there life in America. they had a son (tlep reproduces asexualy) , jack. named after marks best friend.

a little bit about tleps species.

tlep is a kind of asexuel super human created by the alliance to do labor. they grow in test tubes. tlep was engineered for the planet chara u, a swampy jungle planet colonized by humans century’s ago.

I don’t think this fits what Underfish had planned around Mark and Sadie…

Also isn’t Tlep a lizard dude how would he have gotten aquainted with an old American Pastor?

Cool backstory tho (for the race/character)

tlep isn’t a lizard. they are a genetically modified human that farm large salamanders. here still in the 1800s America right? there’s plenty of those lying around. also aren’t mark and Sadie just really good friends?.


I mean they are friends first (hence this quote:

), but they are in love with one another in Underfish’s plot

sorry the whole Kalamander mix up had me confused that they were lizard person

Can’t tell if you are joking or not. AFAIK there were no genetically modified humans or giant salamanders in the americas in the 1800s

the time travel. they time travelled

see. that what i was talking about

ye I know…? I already knew that, the thing I quoted you said “They are still in the 1800’s Americas? There’s plenty of those (seemingly referring to either genetically modified humans or giant salamanders) lying around.”

What were you referring to then, if not that when you said “Plenty of those lying around”?

Anyway the idea doesn’t work because of Underfish’s aforementioned writing, but good backstory for Tlep

american pastors. thats what i meant

Thanks for clearing the stuff up about Tlep. A genetically modified human was not what I was expecting nor was a robot Ceaser. The latter would not make sense though. It can have his personality, but it would need an alien form. To the Alliance, we’re all the same - spineless despite our backbones, stealing and cheating with no remorse, spinning webs of lies. So Chara U wouldn’t have been an Alliance colony. It must have been a third-party property, established by humans for loan by other species, until the antianthro Alliance cut the deals and started the plot.

With that being said, would the remaining Kalmanders be the Team Pets?

a baby one. a itty bitty kalamander the size of a puppy. maybe a special breed. and the mechanized caeser is just a zombified husk of a man who thought he was a direct descendent of caeser and a reincartion of him. the ceaser also has a hive mind of robots.

this is awesome! i love how much is going on right now

Sorry, what did you say?

wow this thread has been dead for a while

Yeah I’ve shelved it for now. A rushed game will aways be terrible.