Specialized cells?

The multicellular stage is going to feature specialized cells, right? As in you being able to edit each cell in your colony, but you can add new parts specifically to that cell (like nerve cell parts/axons, or cnidae/"stinging cell organelle"s to make your cells into “nerve cells”, “stinging/attack cells”, “muscle cells”, etc?

I really hope so lol, Multicellular stage is gonna be sick


That’s what I am thinking it is going to be like, but it might be something differently

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Ok, thank you so much

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Specialized cells will come about in the early multicellular stage. But it won’t be until the later multicellular stage where the player switches to placing tissue (instead of individual cells) that nerves and muscles make their appearance. So early on specialization will be like (this is just my opinion) having a cell type for energy generation, defense / offense, and for getting food.


In the development build 2/25/2023, there are axons and myofibrils.

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gotta love a good necropost


We love our necroposts in this forum.

The axons and myofibrils don’t do anything right now, actually. I don’t think myofibril even increases speed like it’s meant to.


Unless someone managed to sneak in a regression, myofibril definitely increases the speed you go in the macroscopic prototype.


And axons allow you to reach aware and awakening stages.


In the early multicellular stage, it definitely makes you slower.

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From my own experience it makes you faster, but you only need 1 to achieve the effect. Adding more doesn’t do much.


Then maybe the display is glitched, because when I add it in microscopic multicellular, it shows my speed dropping substantially.

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Well it makes your cell bigger so it is slower in microbe movement. The special logic for it doing anything whatsoever is in the macroscopic (late multicellular) stage. So it cannot do anything else except make your cell bigger (and thus more mass, so less speed) in the microbe stage.

Here’s the only place in the code where myofibril is specially handled, it is calculated as the total muscle power for late multicellular species class, meaning it cannot affect anything in microbe stage whatsoever:


Oh, I thought it worked in early multicellular too…

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Ah, that checks out. I was basing my statement off of not observing a speed increase in the Early form.


To be fair, are the myofibrils planned to make the cells faster in early multicellular at some point in the future?