Stage of development of society

awekening stage: primitive communism
early society stage: slavery society
late society stage: feodalism
early industrial stage: capitalism
late industrial stage: capitalism/communism

primitive communism is a way of organizing a Stone Age society in which everything belongs to the entire tribe.

in a slave-owning society, private property and exploitation of man by man appears, a distinctive feature is that the main driving force of the economy is slaves. slaves can be obtained as a result of military campaigns or the enslavement of the poor. Moreover, at the beginning of the society stage we will have a neighboring community which will eventually turn into either a feudal state or a slave state, depending on what we do. under feudalism we exploit free peasants through taxes.

at the end of the stage of society there will be the development of crafts and manufactures, as well as the emergence of the first capitalists as a result of which a bourgeois revolution occurs and you move to the next stage - industrial stage. the industrial stage will be similar to Victoria 2.

The society stage will begin with 10 members of your tribe with a small amount of stone, an analogue of wood and food. At the beginning of the game, the player will tame a couple of plants or animals for the sake of obtaining food, over time you will have an aristocracy for which we will play. at the end of the stage, manufactories and the first capitalists will appear, as a result of which the bourgeois revolution begins, after which we move on to the next stage.

in the next stage we are starting in the provinces with a couple of factories and a large number of subsistence farms

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I think that this would better fir tribal stage, society stage could instead start with your tribe creating itā€™s first proto-city (like ancient Jericho) or something.

Hereā€™s the wiki page on the Awakening Stage:

This stage leads to the Society Stage, which starts with a small tribal group and a building made with basic tools, and goes on until inventing industrial factories

As for the specific forms of society over time, Iā€™m very much against them being fixed. Society could have developed in different ways than it did. As Thrive is a game about choosing for yourself out of many different possible paths for development of a species, it would be amiss to not include the possibility of developing the speciesā€™ society in different ways.

awakening stage: primitive communism
early society stage: slavery society
late society stage: feudalism
early industrial stage: capitalism
late industrial stage: capitalism/communism

As this is the path of societal development laid out by Karl Marx, I will say that Marxā€™s writings on this at times take too much from Hegel. Hegel theorised that society necessarily develops in a particular way because the collective human consciousness (which is God) requires that for its own development. It can be easy to take a strict determinist view from Marx, but this is never a realistic position. For instance, itā€™s possible that a truly communist society never comes about, due to humanity wiping itself out in a thermonuclear war. (What can I say, I like to end on a high note. :wink:)


I agree that Thrive is a game about choices, but we also have to remember that Thrive is also a simulation, so while we shouldnā€™t put ourselves in a box, we have to stick to the rules to make the development of society look realistic. For example, feudalism and the slave system at the cosmic stage are impossible and illogical. But no one canceled the variability that would be written into the laws of materialism, for example, at the end of the stage of society, you can suppress the bourgeoisie in its infancy and nationalize manufactures, thereby moving to the industrial stage for feudalism (example: the Russian Empire) or, at the stage of society, you can grow together feudalism without the stage of slavery (example: the eastern kingdoms of the ancient world)

True, but the progression tree you ruled out seems egregiously restrictive and doesnā€™t take into account alien thinking patterns. What if the species is extremely comunalist in nature and canā€™t concive a one rules above all mindset? What of theyā€™re primarily nomadic? What reason is there for a species to develop a bourgeoisie or money? And why does a species have to end on capitalism or communism? Why not anarchism, socalism, library economies or any other way of life under the sun?

from what Iā€™ve heard, we didnā€™t even go through that progression tree ourselves, according to this article atleast with the Mayans
and this video though the video seems biased so I would take it with a grain of salt. Says that society was a gift economy for quite a while before becoming capitalist, and Iā€™m 50% sure that most or at least some societies did not start with slavery right out the gate, or atleast not enough for it to be standard, you didnā€™t even mention dictatorships.

I dont really know much about this topic, but I believe that human societal development is enough of a raging backsliding mess, that having clearly defined progression trees would be too simplified, harking back to sporeā€™s three singalr civilization types.


Okay, I agree that I didnā€™t take into account the thinking patterns of other life forms and the fact that to thrive requires variability, butā€¦ 1. when creating a socio-economic system, we must be guided by the rule: biology>socio-economic relations>ideologies, religion, culture, etc. because thrive is a game guided by the principles of scientific materialism 2. you confuse the concepts of ā€œpolitical systemā€ and social ā€œeconomic systemā€, the socio-economic system is economic and class relations in society, and the political system is how the state is structured because all sorts of anarchisms and dictatorships are only a political system and not a socio-economic system

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There is no reason why feudalism canā€™t happen in space stage or industrial stage Neo-feudalism - Wikipedia. There can even be a neo serfdom. The medieval serfs couldā€™t leave their plot of land and had to farm in it. In the modern world, anyone can go to another country as a tourist and then remain there forever, becoming an illegal immigrant.

If space travel is expensive, or artificially kept as such, the majority of the population in planets may be forced to stay there, and the central government can periodicly sell the right to collect taxes in that planet to the highest bidder, and that buyer can tax that planet heavily and work the population like serfs. (tax farming)

Slavery would be omnipresent in high tech societies as they can very easily build robots to work for them.

It would be very interesting if the game would have a smooth transition between the gift economy and credit economy. I get the impression that without money, you still have money, anything can be used as money, but the values of stuff are measured with way less precision, but they are still accurate[1], because the invisible hand of the market still functions. The number of currencies drop and reach 1 (which is usually a rare metal) as people get a sense of the value of (stuff that belong to different categories) with respect to each other. When they start using money, this allows the state to print more of it and tax everyone without directly asking from them anything. And stocks are the currency that the companies print.

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Analogizing aliens we are making up that donā€™t even have human psychology to theories about humans that try and regularly fail to predict a single species that shares itā€™s history and planet with everything it has tried to study isnā€™t the best idea. Saying things just cannot happen isnā€™t easy to do here. Otherwise no one would mention underwater civs.

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