Starting Screen, Loading Screen and Cutscenes

Maybe the imagem shouldn’t have so defined outer lines surrounded by pitch black, however I can’t think of a better solution right now. But it’s an interesting concept to consider. And do the two curves of the Thrive logo orbit at different layers and speeds? They look quite off

I’m honored to have just the biggest celebrity of this forum giving their say in my humble thread. Thanks. I find the idea of putting game tips on the loading screen very attractive. A lot of games do that and it just works so well, but that’s the same with witty loading phrases. Perhaps you could alternate the two solutions in some way. Have you seen the concept animation DeepSix made? And how was the idea for the Thrive loading screen before this thread? Have I changed your original plan in any way?

I’ve seen all of these ideas before, so there was really nothing new. But of course it is easier to remember what kinds of things can be used in a loading screen when they are presented like this. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen suggestions for the thrive loading screen so this didn’t really change my opinion on what the loading screen should roughly look like.

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I’m sorry in this case. It’s just that I have always been hyped about Thrive since I found out about it and I knew I had to make some kind of contribution someday. And when the idea for the loading screen popped in my head (because that’s something that happens to me) I thought it was so ingenious and clever (although the exact idea I had has a much more complex and hard to explain animation going on but I think it’s not necessary) and that I had to bring it to you (yes, you personally. I didn’t know about you before joining this forum but I knew it had to reach the chief develover or CEO of Revolutionary Games Studio or whatever important role you clearly have) before the game was released and my opportunity to shine was lost forever. I really thought my idea was original and an important contribution, but I guess I was just being naive. But I’m glad the loading screen is not going to be so different than what I envisioned. Thanks for reaching my thread autonomously, it really means a lot coming from you.

Except the Source Engine loading, lol.
Anyway, let’s just make a temporary loading screen and then, work on it later.

Unless that’s already the case, right?

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While you’re done with the basic setup, I have another idea.
I can see a deeper meaning in their shapes. The growing curve resembles a tail, meant to reflect the biological/scaling aspect of the game, and the bumped cure resembles a cog, meant to enforce the technological/progression aspect. For the growing curve, I suggest that you make a bit of a wave from the tip releasing out the base. For the bumped curve, make it seem like it’s spinning, with the “teeth” disappearing into one end and reappearing in the other as they slide along the curve

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Great vision. I love the potential the Thrive logo has regarding loading screens

Thought, I’d share a little something:

The logo in the bottom right spins.

Advice: The ‘T’ character shouldn’t rotate.
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It’s a single image file, nothing I can do about that. It all rotates together.
So far it will be very rare for people to see it, as it will only be shown while waiting for auto-evo (which is usually done by the time the editor is entered), as there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to background load stuff in the current Godot version with C#.