Survival in a new world (I suck at the game now)

Hello people! It’s been a while. I don’t know if anybody remembers me. But my ADHD-driven hyperfixations are bringing me back to this game, and to my GREAT dismay, everything I learned before seems useless! You see, I had found the perfect glucose-fueled multicellular heterotroph build. I was sick of being a plant or eating iron. I wanted to be a real animal or fungus, you know?? So I learned how to make my organism move and turn fast even when it was large, allowing me to get enough food to reach the macroscopic stage. By the way, I never bothered and still don’t bother with killing things using toxins or spikes. I feel that you lose all the nutrition that way. I only engulf.

The problem is, I can no longer get my organism to move or turn at a decent speed the moment I add even one other cell to my build. Pulling cilia are very helpful, but they’re not if no cells come near me. Especially since other members of my species eat them the moment they get near. I never seem to get full anymore either. No matter how many cells I eat, they stay for about 2 seconds and then they’re gone. Used to they would stay for a good what… 15? 30 seconds? So I would frequently get completely full. Not anymore. Haven’t gotten full once. Now it seems to me that the only way I can survive is again by producing my own glucose or eating iron… I don’t want to go back to those days!! I like to do a plant or iron eating build every now and then, but I don’t want to do them every single time. There’s so many niches… I don’t want to be limited to just two.

So here’s my question… How do you guys, in this new and more physics-based world, survive by exclusively consuming other organisms while also becoming multicellular? What have you discovered?


Seems I again messed up with cell derived compounds.
Now that I played a bit I can confirm that the bigger you get the less a single cell can suffice and it’s kinda annoying, I’ll see what we can do.


I just go really fast with engulf on and snowplow cells and then figure out how to adapt to the cells getting spikes and stuff.