Talk about funding of Thrive

Why would we? My opinion is that we shouldn’t come across as wanting even more money from people who have already supported the game. Though, I’m no longer absolutely against adding Patreon etc. continuous support links to the paid version of the game.

Comparing the past 1 year to the year before that, the sales by number of units is down by almost 50%. This is because in the past year we haven’t had any Youtubers make impactful Thrive videos, and we haven’t randomly been promoted by Chinese internet users.


So I guess the price of the game on Steam should double if not more in order to compesate for the loss of number of sales?

Increasing the price can further decrease all future sales. Likely even more than it would help (i.e. double the price would mean less than half of the current purchasers will buy it meaning the overall revenue decreases as you increase the price). Of course that depends on how valuable the current purchasers consider Thrive, and how much more they’d be willing to spend. The technical term for this is demand inelasticity.


Would decreasing the price be any better right now?

The summer sale discount increased sales quite a lot (resulting in more overall revenue). Still sales will eventually deplete the people who were waiting for a better price before committing to the purchase decision.

So even with that we get back to the main point that we simply need to somehow reach new people who haven’t heard of Thrive before.

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It seems weird that no one is talking about outreach. The last youtube video about thrive that i can think of was the oliver one, at that was 2 years ago. We can says it works since some people that are currently active on the forum (including myself) came from that video.
what i’m suggesting? kidnapping markplier and forcing him to play thrive? i don’t know which youtubers or streamers are the most probable to play and enjoy thrive, since i’m not too much into the gameplay part of youtube, but maaaybe some forum members could try asking them to play it, and maybe they play it, giving another peak of popularity?


I did mention it:

Though I could have said so more strongly. I guess I was stuck on answering the questions. But I basically agree that the only way out of this is more outreach, either done by the Thrive community or us developers. Having even one semi-big Youtuber play Thrive per year would guarantee continuation of the project.


Now we need to find a suitable host youtuber to spread awareness about our game…

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Dw guys, I’m going to become a fulltime Thrive youtuber.


Perhaps I should get willow to do start regularly recording thrive videos again

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You’ll need lots of luck with the algorithm…

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16 posts were merged into an existing topic: How did everyone get introduced to thrive?

Once we’ve secured money inflow for whatever amount of full-time employees is deemed “enough”, what are we going to do with the excess money? Or will we hire new employees no matter how many we got already?

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That’s so, so far out of reach that I don’t think it is worth speculating at all. For now I’d be super happy to have enough money to have a single employee indefinitely. So compare that to most game studios (that aren’t like solo indie devs) and they’ll have like dozens of developers even if they don’t produce AAA scale games. The increase to that level would already be totally crazy, and you want to speculate what we’d do if we were multiple times even more successful.


How much times the current income would that be?

Roughly only about 30-40% more than currently.

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Do you think 1.0.0 release’s aftermatch will cover for that?


I use that emoji often enough that it might get added to the reactions list at some point…


Honestly it’s a good one. i use :face_with_monocle: or :thinking: when I’m unsure how true a statement is, but :person_shrugging: is pretty good.


I think the :poop: reaction could have it’s slot replaced by :person_shrugging: since it’s use is pretty much covered by :-1: .