Talk about music thread

you’all ways listen to lofi or something? i’m the only one posting adrenaline songs.

when you compose a song for a music video. it sounds great


but when it comes to the game soundtrack. it is the same note playing for 20 seconds. it is boring. it is barely an upgrade over ambient water sounds.


the main theme is very slow. and everything else managed to be slower than that.

i even asked you, can game musics have lyrics. most said yes.

at least the combat songs should be faster, and have a high number of notes, right? but they don’t. somehow even they are relaxing.

do you really want to listen to this on a loop? would you ever listen to it in your daily life outside the game?


compare it to other games?


“beautiful mixture of archaic, tribal and medieval instruments with futuristic touches” oh my god. how come everyone think so. you have to critisise the weak spots.

here’s a challange. click to a random part of that video. ( then listen to it for 2 seconds and count how many instruments you hear. its 1 or 2. it is almost even hard to notice that the music is there. when i’m focused at the picture.

if you can’t recognise a music after listening to it for 5 seconds, then it doesn’t deserve to exist. its not iconic.

i stated how i think songs shouldn’t be. do i have an example for how i think songs should be? yes. look at the murder drones ost. it is still futuristic. the instruments still sound good. but it shows how songs can have high bpm. on the background while other things are happening on the foreground that would take the attention. “a game where animals kill and eat each other” can have a fast paced music.

it is 10 times more complicated than thrive songs. they keep recycling the main theme. but each song still sounds good on its own.


remixing the same melody: ( , (

jumpscare sounds: ( , (

what do you think a song named “earth” would sound like? (

different sounds: (

lyric songs: ( , (

what would you want people to say about thrive soundtrack?

sentinals being velociraptors

i decided that murder drones has the best music in the universe. everyone should try to do similar.

I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to say… Are you suggesting that thrive music is too… Slow? Or that this thread has too much lo-fi? for some reason? I don’t get It.

Many great songs have various pauses which can last for 5 seconds or more. Does that immedietly mean that they should have never been created? No.

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if it stops for 5 seconds, how is it fighting for your attention? how is it supposed to impress you?

I respectfully disagree. I think it’s very fitting for a rather relaxing and calm microbe gameplay. Thrive’s music is great as-is for it’s intended purpose.


i’m gonna fall asleep. rather than being scared by an ambush predator.

you’re not supposed to be
the game is about evolution, not survival horror in the wilderness


I can imagine there will be some more intense situations… But solving music for those is a task yet to come.


It’s ambient music. It’s not supposed to draw too much attention. I think I even got criticized some time ago that my music draws too much attention for ambient music or something like that. Also I didn’t say yet but happy new year (christmas is over already so)


does this draw too much attention?

When music perfectly matches gameplay

what about this?

I Accidentally had the Hypest Boss Fight of All Time

that’s music specifically meant to be intense because of combat scenarios. thrive’s music is not so intense because it is not a combat-centric game. on top of this, ambient music is WAY different from combat music.


more intense = more good


so by that logic, thrive should have rock music for ambience?


possible. you look at the sky. meteor strikes. its burning everywhere. creatures run around. rock music. why not?

you approach a river. flute starts playing. on top of ambience.
you have to migrate elsewhere. the music stops.

so then why should some basic ambient music for the awakening be forced to be intense?

its not like anything intense is happening

there isn’t ANY intense music. that i’ve come across in the playlist. or any demand for it by the forum users.
and intense things would happen. when you start a new stage, an intense music can play? that’s an event too?

not always. Some music types and situations benefit from not being intense…

games benefit from those situations not happening. unless you’re into waiting in the elevator simulator

So you say Thrive should ALWAYS be intense? Just HOW intense?

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20 cells are tying to kill you. everyone is so quick.


you ran away. you’re starving


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