The Cavern (Seed world Evolution Game)

Heh deep cave ecosystem immediately

Ancestor: cave aphids
Name: deep cave Aphids
Adaptations: they eat mushrooms. They have better senses. They can go dormant until they find light. Not too much changes
Size: tiny
Habitat everywhere that not al aphids haven’t taken over.

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Ancestor: nautilus
Name: caver nautilus
Adaptations: they have a more “refined” smelling aparatus
Size: nautilus size
Habitat: Surface occasionally goes in caves if it doesnt find anything on the surface

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Before I make an actual entry about it, what do people think about mushrooms keeping around the glow due to an aphid descendant going around feeding on the mushrooms and transporting the chemosynthetic bacteria to new mushrooms, and they keep the glow so the sphids can find them, similar to vibrant flowers and pollinators?

I think it would be a good idea

Can I evolve more than 1 animal at the time?

Also how did you select the animals?

Ancestor: Deep Cave Aphids
Name: Wandering Aphid
Description: This aphid is of a medium size, and travels the caves feeding on the cave lights. When it feeds, it picks up fungal spores and chemosynthetic bacteria and transfers them to new locations and new fungus, providing a diversity to the gene pools of different funguses bacteria and new fungus with their necessary chemosynthetic bacteria. It walks on four main legs and keeps the rest up for manipulation of the fungus towards it’s mouth.

Lol deleting my aphids yours are better

You can evolve more than one animal in one post, but you cannot evolve an animal more than once before another player evolves it

As to deciding, I had a large pool of creatures and had randomized them a while back into lists, and I randomly picked one of those lists and used them here

Mine evolve from yours tho!!!

undeleted it then. thats an oof tho

The rest of the lists I mentioned have been randomized for different seed worlds, some earth like and some special like this one

Expect big species dropout byme

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So like a mass extinction or a bunch of new species? I think it is a bit early for a mass extinction (I’m planning the first one to likely be when the valley closes) but a bunch of new species would be cool

Can life adapt to conditions on the surface outside the valley?

They are roughly like mt everest so yes but not that well

Here, sorry to double post

Yea, so while life is theoretically possible it wouldn’t even be close to the scale life would be in the caves

So I think a small, Cold resistant ecosystem on the surface would be awesome, but would be only for the hardiest of animals and plants and would not be the focus of the game or anything else

(I might use things made up here for inspiration for a speculative evolution/xenobiology mixed project I make I the future)

So I know I have posted the most ideas so far, but had a cool idea to go with the Mutant ghost frog. I’ll try to hold off for a bit and let players post

Ancestor: Mutant Ghost Frog
Name: Cave Stalker
Description: A large descendant of the mutant ghost frogs, this frog uses it’s clear skin and pitch black eyes to walk mostly invisible to prey, the large wandering aphids, it’s black eyes absorbing the maximum amount of light it can to see by. It can go long amounts of time without food if necessary, but is usually a more active, successful hunter, as it’s prey doesn’t see it until - and even when - it kills them

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Ancestor: armadillo
Name: digger armadillo
Adaptations: long and thick frontal claws that allow for digging
Size: smaller than an armadillo
Habitat: surface-caves

Ancestor: kiwi bird
Name: cave kiwi
Adaptations: a better sense of smell
Size: about the size of a kiwi bird
Habitat: caves, eats the mushrooms

Ancestor: poison ivy
Name: frosty ivy
Adaptations: long needle like leaves, a thin stem
Size: poison ivy size
Habitat: surface, near the borders of the valley

Ancestor: Caecilian
Name: deepth caecilian
Adaptations: a better sense of sight
Size: a bigger than a caecilian
Habitat: caves, eats glow frogs

Ancestor: Mutant Ghost Frog
Name: glow frog
Adaptations: has a simbiontic relationship with a descendant of the glowing mushroom that makes it glow and attract aphids to eat
Size: bigger than its descendant
Habitat: caves

I wanted to make more but I have to go to sleep


Ancestor- Dogwood Tree
Name- jaw Tree
Adaptations, digesting jaw, for more energy
size, smaller
habitat, rocky areas w/shade