The Cavern (Seed world Evolution Game)

How the heck did a tree just randomly evolve a jaw, no precursors at all?

Small steps, not sudden jaw development. There isn’t even a reason yet to develop a jaw, though it has less sunlight than on earth it still has plenty

think pitcherplants, that but with holes in the bark

ya, thats the thinking, not like muscular (yet)

That would certainly be more viable, I was especially debating the ‘digesting jaw’

Even something like a Venus flytrap wouldn’t be just like that, it would take intermediate steps

thats because there isnt enough nutrients in the stone to support it

Why wouldn’t there be? The valley isn’t simply stone, think of it like any tropical valley, nice and moist with soft soil

but them flies bother me, they be eating me

I’m not saying a pitcher plant like dogwood tree isn’t possible or accepted, please just make it more clear. When you said ‘digesting jaw’, I pictured a fully functioning jaw, or at least something like a Venus flytrap, too much for one adaptation

Then I would think an insect deterrent would evolve, such as a sticky surface, which could later evolve into carnivory. Anyway pitcher-plant-tree is in, please just try to be more clear

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Ancestor: Crab-eating fox.

Common name: Glow fox.

Description: Started to develop a symbiotic relationship with bioluminescent fungi, in translucent cyst-like structures at the end of its tail that help lure prey. They are nocturnal, and opportunistically feed on anything smaller then themselves including mushrooms. They grow to be the same size as there ancestors.

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Ancestor: Glow Frogs
Name: Bonelights
Description: The Fungal Symbiosis has receded back to just it’s bones, allowing it to still glow to attract prey but much more subtly than the glow frogs, while it’s clear skin allows the light to shine through

Ancestor: Brachiosaurus
Name: Frost Titan
Description: Having significantly reduced it’s size, it is still one of the largest animals on the planet. It is covered in compact scales that prevent heat from getting out and cold getting in, with small bristles covering them. It also has saliva with special enzymes to counteract the poison of frost ivy, which acts as it’s main food source

Ancestor: Shoebill
Name: Grapplebeak
Description: A large shoebill descendant, it has adapted to hunt rhinos specifically. One will draw the ire of the rhino, getting it to charge, and stand it’s ground, grappling with the rhinos horn and resisting it’s charge, sending the momentum to shock absorbing joints in it’s legs and down into the ground. The others in the pack then rush in, biting it and using long but strong legs to slice at the rhinos hide with tough claws. If the rhino tries to pull away, more will pin it as others finish killing it.

Ancestor: Rhino
Name: skinny rhino
Adaptations: their ears and torso shrunk to decrease body surface and their skin became thicker to increase insolulation. And bigger lungs.
Size: significantly smaller than a rhino
Habitat: surface

Ancestor: Clouded Leopard
Name: caving leopard
Adaptations: Thicker fur and bigger lungs
Size: the same as his ancestor
Habitat: lives in caves but goes to the surface to hunt.

Ancestor: Copepod
Name: cave copepod
Adaptations: better tollerance to pressurr
Size: the same
Habitat: caves

Ancestor: ringtail
Name: wrongtail
Adaptations: longer fur, a better sense of smell
Size: smaller than a ringtail
Habitat: caves-surface
Diet: scavenger

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The above is a list of creatures that have yet to have any evolution, if anyone feels like making one for them. If not, I’ll get the creative juices flowing myself. One of the ideas earlier was cave diatoms, which haven’t been made yet…

Ideas on a raft-like mushroom for on the cavern seas, with maybe flying (grosbeak?) or swimming (aphid?) pollinators? It could be an interesting basis for more sea-to-land biomes, down the caves, one with aphid dominance from floating there on the rafts and one with pure sea creatures, such as terrestrial Yawunik, nautilus, and nursery shark descendants. Maybe diatoms could evolve into metallic shelled trees here? Or generally into some kind of metallic (maybe magnetic? Could be interesting to have a biosphere based around magnetism) reef.

I think i will evoles some thing from the list:

Ancestor: Brittle Stars
Name: Waving Starts
Description: They evolved to be smaller in order to survive in the caves, and in order to survive, they began to crowd together and to communicate with each other at this density, they began to perfect your way of communicating with each other using radio waves.

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Radio waves? That would be interesting, you mentioned ‘perfect’ can they already do this to some extent?

i read in some acadenic ar tical abut they are some evidant that Brittle star have the possibeility to preduse radio wave!


Ancestor: Yawuniks
Name: Clawuniks
Description: This species has evolved to be more sensitive to sound and blind, to better navigate the sea caves. They use their sharp claws by tapping on the walls of the caves for echolocation. They can locate their prey by listening to the sounds they make, and once they’ve found it, they stalk it through the caves until it is close enough to kill. They are very territorial and can memorize almost every inch of the caves they live in, which is why their so good at stalking prey near their home.

Is that good?

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Yeah that is great!

Just a note on the actual creature: this would be super creepy because the ‘claws’ are like paper thin, razor sharp tentacles.

The problem I am running into here is that the Yawunik is an aquatic creature, so not only would have to evolve lungs but also have to perfect walking.

I love the creature tho!

Oh, ok, I didn’t see that it was an aquatic creature in the description up there, so I assumed it was land-based.

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My bad, I may not have been clear enough, I referenced it’s claws floating through the current and it’s resting in coral. Completely understandable for you to mix that up!