I was bored, so I decided to do something about it and made this forum game, which is more or less a homage to the future is wild series
For some contextual backstory, this game happens in universe because of the extinction of humankind due to pollution and climate change, with the organisms now being left to their own devices
If you couldn’t tell from the name alone, this is some sort of homage to the future is wild series, meaning it will take places after present day, therefore, the starter species must be animals on earth that is alive today, preferably ones that have a high chance of surviving the pollution and climate change problems
This is the format you are going to employ for your species:
Scientific name: insert scientific name here
Common name: insert common name here
Group name: insert the name of the group the species belong to here (must be lower then the phylum ranking)
Alternative group name: think of it as a common name, but for the group the species belong to
Speed: give a description of how fast it is
Stamina: give a description of persistent speed wise it is
Attack: give a description of how good at attacking other animals it is
Defense: give a description of how good at defending it is
Intelligence: give a description of how intelligent it is
Description: self explanatory
Ancestry: again, self explanatory
Traits: give a list of traits it has that is important or need to be mentioned
Signature ability: give a ability that a species has that is very useful at its survival
Also, there are some rules:
Try to make the changes realistic, so no mice the size of the solar system
Try to make the changes gradual, so no sudden ability to fly
The starter species must be alive today, so no dinosaurs
Any joke species would be kept, as meme, but would be non canon
If you can get attached very easily to your species, I suggest staying away from this forum game, because it would contain extinction events that all have a chance of making your species extinct (it’s not a rule, but still, it’s for the good of your emotional well-being)
Don’t break the rules (except the fifth one, as it is not a rule), or else you would receive a terrible punishment
So far, we are at round 0, meaning you have to pick a extant animal from today to choose as a starter species, it’s isn’t until round 1 that the real fun begins, hope you have a great time