The Lifenote

Or around the Lifenote user, I don’t think spawning something like an elephant on your head is a good idea…

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in the corner of the lab

on the contrary, it would give me immunity to being crushed by elephants

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ZONE 1 TIME- 6:00
ZONE 2 TIME- 12:00
ZONE 3 TIME- 18:00
ZONE 4 TIME- 24:00


@willow - EMBER INANI (Zone 4, NYC)
Action 1:

Action 2:

You summoned some mantelopes from all tomorrows inside of the computer box, they were pretty scared at first but you managed to calm them down. After that you gave your adaptive immortality to Madeline and Lina, telling them about what it CAN’T save them from.
-20/20 HP (Adaptive Immortality)
-10/10 SP
-Cooked Salmon
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@Centarian - JOSHUA (Zone 3, Sacramento City)
Action 1:

Action 2:

You get finished with your work and come back home. You then end up eating many types of Immortality Peaches, whcih should make you safe at the present situation.
-20/20 HP (multiple immortality locks)
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@TwilightWings21 - TERRANCE GREAVES (Zone 4, US East Coast)
Action 1: -
Action 2: -
You for now decide to abandon The Lifenote in favour of your personal matters…
-20/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@sci0927 - MADELINE BROOKE (Zone 3, Minnesota Zone 4, NYC)
Action 1:

Action 2:

After being given a type of immortality, you decide to take a long-ish nap. Thanks to that your sleeping schedule is now adjusted to NYC timezone.
-20/20 HP (Adaptive Immortality)
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@Ferrus_coloni - PENROSE (Zone 1, Alfarer de la Serra)
Action 1:

Action 2:

After injecting yourself with an immunosuppresant, you give the virus you’ve created a try. However, it seems like it will take some time to have the effect properly kick in…
-20/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@UndyingHazard - KAMILIA (Zone 3, Monterey Bay, California)
Action 1:

Action 2:

You spent some time with Shale watching movies. From one of them you’ve learned about genies, one of which you summoned thanks to your Lifenote. You used it’s three wishes: First one was having your Lifenote be capable of summoning dead things. Second was to have all digimon trainers arisen in this Lifenote-ruled world equipped with a device allowing them to see details about their digimons. The Third one was to give yourself a special scroll which would allow you to give objects special properties…
-20/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@Trappist-1e - “LINA” DUMONT DA SILVA (Zone 4, Kourou, French Guiana)
Action 1:


Action 2:


You quickly fell asleep following you gaining Adaptive Immortality…
-20/20 HP (Adaptive Immortality)
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)


  • A Memetic Parasite
  • Ruffles
  • Big Goober
  • Blahaj
  • TO (from Round 3 of Radiostrocity)
  • Bubble Fruit
  • Five pebbles and Looks To The Moon
  • Multiple Snøpust
  • Multiple Tareslange
  • O’Malley III
  • Multiple Fresh-Level Digimons
  • Mumbo Jumbo’s Minecraft Character
  • Genie
  • Many Dødshorden
  • Yakko, Wakko, and Dot Warner
  • Multiple Better End Mod Umbrella Shrooms
  • Multiple Bioluminescent Tree Saplings
  • A Dodomon
  • 500 Capsilaris Draculus Cells
  • 1500 Vocatio Abyssus Cells
  • 300 Vocatio Inanis Cells
  • 1 large Red Dragon Egg
  • 5 Thalassic Gravediggers
  • SCP-8610
  • Another Digimon
  • Ediacaran Biota Species
  • Valentina Kerman
  • DND mimic
  • SCP-184
  • Lady from “Three Body Problem”, of old age
  • Another Genie
  • Biological Jet Plan
  • Ember inani’s Minecraft character
  • No Significant Harassment
  • Many Neuron Flies Containing English Language
  • Neuron Flies with a message
  • Roly-Poly
  • Deerling
  • Gene-inserting Viruses
  • Toph
  • Breeding population of Tullimonstrum
  • A Note in a major NYC post news reporting station
  • 192 Minecraft Cod Fish
  • 2 Minecraft Wet Sponge Blocks
  • The O5 Council
  • 1 Fresh-Level Digimon
  • Ember’s MC character X 2
  • Ring Of Flying
  • Mutated Human Stem Cells
  • More Fresh-Level Digimon
  • 7 Minecraft Salmon
  • 2 Minecraft Cod
  • Advanced Fishing (MC) Sardine
  • Even more Fresh-Level Digimons
  • Ember’s MC Character X 2
  • 9 Unicorns
  • Bicorn
  • Seven Red Suns, Chasing Wind, Unparalleled Innocence, Secluded Instinct
  • Multiple Ice Melons and Fire Melons
  • 64 almost dead Tunas
  • A fictional Virus
  • Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location
  • Ring of Complete Transformation
  • An Another Bio-Plane
  • 15000 Wooly Mammoths
  • 12000 Dodos
  • 25000 Great Auks
  • A population of Pterodaustro
  • Uncle Sam
  • A few Mantelopes
  • Many Peaches of Immortality
  • A Genie

*(Ember Inani’s “Sleep Round” is registered at 12:00 in their zone)

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Action 1: continue preparing for the incoming immune response

Action 2: take periodic checks on myself to see how my body is doing

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2/3rds of the playing players already have some kind of immortality casted on themselves. I wonder if this will go up to 100%…


however, this is simply because not having it is stupid in this rapidly maddening world, once we’re mostly secure, (hopefully) we’ll get to the good stuff

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What do you mean by the “good stuff”?

Probably insanity that’d get normal people killed


So like summoning god-tier entities and stuff?

most likely, probably bring Thrive or other media refenrences into the world as well

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You plan to do that aswell?

I’m going to try correct the flaws in the human form with gene editing, after that, maybe streamline the process and help others with that power as well

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Maybe it’s too late now, but you know you probably could use a genie or smth to give yourself a “better” body?

I could, but I’m trying to do the “science” route, as it’ll give me more tools later down the route

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Oh, I see. Did you consider using a genie yet?

yes. again: science route

also, I don’t want to do what others do, as I feel like it’s cheating, since you’re executing an idea made after the forum game began

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I wonder who will lose their sanity points first…

probably anyone who sees my intended final form, unless a proper eldritch horror emerges first, then whoever sees that

oh yeah how would the mutation via memetic transmission part of the 8610-E stuff work, if at all, in here?(i’m guessing it’d be a dice roll to see how they interpreted what you said, with a more understandable explanation giving better results, and a less understandable explanation giving worse results, thus making who you’re talking to affect how you have to do it?) and would individuals infected with it turn into an 8610-3(or 3E) instance upon losing their final sanity point? and at what sanity level would a player start secreting 8610-3(or 3E) fluid?

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I guess your success rate would simply be tied to a dice roll.

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A1: set up a microphone on each of the mantelopes to record them speaking, and ask them all to tell me their stories, so i can later listen back to it and transcribe it, and eventually use it for research

A2: let TO out of their jar, then pet and feed them while listening to the mantelopes, attempting to ask the right questions at the right parts to get the information i need

what would happen if i used my bones and tendons to make some TConstruct tools, each with an echo shard(for the soulbound modifier, which makes the items on it stay with your character through death) and a shard of my soul(which would basically make it a horcrux), and obviously gave them a way to circulate blood and acquire energy?

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