THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

It’s a cyberpunk game where you have to defeat an evil rogue AI called SHODAN who thinks she’s a goddess and wants to destroy humanity.

Simplified summary, of course.

I’ve been waiting for the system shock remake to get done, because I fear that I can’t deal with the outdated graphics and controls (which might be really clunky by modern standards).

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For the graphics, I guess it’s about preference. As for the controls, well… depends on the version.
When you buy SS: Enhanced Edition on Steam, you get two versions (EE and Classic Edition).
The Classic Edition is the one that people don’t play much because it really only uses the mouse for everything IIRC. However, someone made a mod for mouse-look, which makes it easier to play. Quite a while later, some devs decided to improve the game by making the Enhanced Edition, which naturally includes mouse-look and binds.
It can be confusing to play at first if you don’t know the keys, but once you know them you will get used to it.
I made a guide about changing the binds to make them more intuitive to modern players on Steam.

Who here pledges their allegiance to the Combine Empire?

Not me. Long live Hoomans! For democracy!

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Do you want a malcompliance verdict?

Want a Sprite Cranberry?

drinks Sprite Cranberry, throws can on floor

Pick up that can!

Takes can

Runs away from the guard
Goes downstairs and waits for the guard
The guards arrives, the player avoids him and goes upstairs
Due to the old Source engine physics, the player prevents the guard from opening the door by blocking it with the Sprite Cranberry can.
The guard is now forever stuck in the room.

Where do you see all the topics you muted?

I haven’t got a clue as to where you might see that other than your profile. Probably googling “discourse list of muted topics” might turn up something relevant.

Why would someone want to mute a topic?

If they don’t want to get notified by e-mail, for instance. Or if they turn out to be my victim of serial liking.


I’m currently increasing my artificial post count in Team Fortress 2 (grinding for the ‘Kill 1 million robots’ achievement), then I’m done with the game.

So I made simple program to look at some of the memory of my computer:

int main()

const int bytesToSee;

int byte[bytesToSee];

for (int X = 0; X < bytesToSee; X++){
std::cout << &byte[X] << " == " << byte[X] << '\n';

return 0;


and, TIL, memory is extraordinarily empty.

There is a near 100% chance that you are using an operating system that uses virtual memory.

As such the memory your program has access to is not physical RAM, instead it is a mapping specifically setup by the OS. So your program can only see the memory the OS has given it access to it, and that process all of the time includes clearing out the memory so that programs can’t snoop on each other’s data. There are specific operating system functions which allow you to access the raw physical memory, but that’s usually limited to processes running with high privileges, otherwise any old process could easily crash the whole operating system.

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Eh, computer science.

Anyway, I’m starting to learn how to create a gamemode for gmod and omg, Lua is so simple! I can’t imagine a more simple language.

nobody has been on this since 2019 im from the future

Please don’t post pointless replies in old threads.
Threads are kept open so that the discussion can resume in the future if someone has something good to add.

That means I can add to that “hunting in a pack” thread from one year ago and get feedback?

yes, as long as it adds to the conversation.