THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

I might be misremembering the books, I thought it took a few days (or at least longer than it did) but it’s been 6 years since I read the book.

You’re right they prolly also cut it short for movie purposes

Advanced underwater civs are possible. You can reach industrial age without metallurgy. Just use Hydrothermal vents to run your factories and then try to find some way to store power and then produce enough heat. Wires and batteries can be a problem so remember to throw car batteries into the ocean so the electric eels can recharge.

For my upcoming game, i was wondering what people think the important features of civilization games are, so i don‘t spend time on useless features, or skip over important ones.

Choose what you 3 things are the most important parts of a civ game.

  • Culture
  • Technology
  • Warfare
  • Situations/Roleplay
  • Economy
  • Realism
  • Government
  • Other (Please let me know)

0 voters

Why are you posting this here?

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tech best


I’m not turning this into Underwater Threat #332221, so just no

We have a subreddit for this

@OoferDoofer Gov, Economy, Culture and Technology imo


I just discovered (Two Minute Papers is a blessing ) a very good AI image generator

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These images getting way too real, I love it

F for Elizabeth The Second.


She… Just died today. I don’t know how to feel.

i dont know how i didnt know this

I didn’t even know she was in bad health. Really a suprise.

None of the above, but also all of the above. The original factor has nothing to do with all of this, but it also caused those three factors to emerge, which created a vicious cycle. But I guess that my lack of sociality is the original factor and finding a few friends could get me out of this precarious situation. Kurtzgesagt has announced a video about making friends and a special event for meetups around the world1, so if you want to meet new friends, don’t hesitate. I’ve spent the last six years without friends and trust me, that depression can physically injure your brain. According to a healthline article2, depression has been linked to immunatory disregulation, which indirectly causes inflammation in the brain, which in turns kills neurons. Moreover, depression can also disrupt your neurons’ dendrites (receive inputs), but they can be stimulated again if you are treated.

On a final sidenote…

:uk: :uk: :crown: :crown:

The Queen is dead. Long live the Queen!


I hate how inappropriate some people are acting over it, it’s really disrespectful


I initially thought people were meming on our community discord. Only after seeing the news today I realized what they meant.

Yeah (see the first part of my post)


I’m not a monarchist =, but I feel sad. So many people are making jokes about this and it’s just plain disrespectful, even in the UK people are blaming her for the current issues which were made because of our government (going to avoid going into details to not cause any arguments). People seem to forget she is also human and has a family.


hey i have some bottles of milk that i’ve been drinking from for a while and i’ve noticed that there are these wired things on the outside of the bottle, they kind of look like plastic that’s peeling from them.
they fall right off when you touch them and they don’t leave the bottle feeling weird, and i’ve drunken the milk for a long time and it tastes okay, but i just got a bottle with like a hundred of them.
i’d show you a picture but i kind of already cleaned it.
the thing is that i don’t remember anything like that when i put them in the fridge.
what should i do?

How old is your milk?

Hi guys i havent bean onlyn for a long time i had some network problems and my pc is not working all rights so is there any new stuff for thrive