THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

How many galaxies would you like to see in the game?

  • 1 galaxy with all the stars
  • A few galaxies
  • Hundreds of tiny galaxies
  • Chosen on the settings

0 voters

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We finally have the opposite of inactivity! Isnā€™t that awesome?

Please write something @Trappist-1e @Deathwake @Null @StealthStyle @RizkyPramudyaCJ @LordLovat @tjwhale @RoboTrannic

Was there a rhyme or reason for who you chose to mention?

Not really, random people @Doast

Please do not be a nuisance to random people by mentioning them.

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Remeber when I actually decided to post something? me neither shrug.


I did it.
I got post 9400.
I am truly ascending.


I got an idea, the ā€œAscendedā€ class colour could be yellow, but brighter. Something like this:

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What about rainbow?

Tis the highest class you know.

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What color is it currently set to?

any of you guys into warhammer 40k?

From what I remember, either it isnā€™t set or itā€™s the same as ā€œSpacefaringā€.

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Purple is best color for ascended


i remenber what happn in post 7000:

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I was there to golden post


Is there a free anti-virus you guys would recommend?

I deleted my antivirus. I also deleted microsoft defender. It slows down my computer too much.

they really do, mine sometimes takes up to 60% of my computerā€™s disk. its really annoying

Ok but any good free anti-virus ?

Malwarebytes and whatever your operating system anti-virus work good enough for me

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Microsoft defender starting with Windows 10.

I know you specifically didnā€™t ask but Linux is used without any antivirus whatsoever so there isnā€™t that kind of background task sapping performance when using Linux.