THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)


Antivirus? Nah I just signed up for Nord VPN now I’m immune to attacks! Just kidding I use default windows app like a pleb

Saw it too.

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YouTube recommended me the “! ?”.

I feel so powerful now

Just don’t type in “ø”.


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Thanks, I had forgotten about boisvert

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Just whatever you do don’t type in google into google, you’ll break the interner

i have a friend that’s catholic and we put holy water on his gerbil. this has nothing to do with thrive i just wanted to share that. the gerbils name is biggie cheese btw


why is she baptizing her gerbil? as someone who was raised catholic, that is not of the usual

i dunno, the kid that did it is 10 and 10 yo do weird stuff, hes the younger brother of my best friend


Fair enough, hopefully the gerbial is male so the cardnils can elect him as pope when pope francis dies XD

yes biggie cheese is male, and there have been worse popes in the past than a gerbil Banquet of Chestnuts - Wikipedia
please read this article on the truly wacky things that hapened in the middle ages

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a bit pg-13

List of sexually active popes - Wikipedia

i will see your single pope and up the pot a entire list of s*****y active popes (not all of them actually were bad or holding secret marriages it used to be accepted that a priest could marry)

wait peter from the new testament was a pope?

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Jo, he was.

yes and no, he is considered the first pope of the catholic church but only because it was the role he played. He did not live in the basilica and you would not see him calling himself a pope walking in the modern pope clothes, the papacy didn’t form until, much later

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Then again, if it ever becomes as popular as Windows, you’ll need an antivirus.

I’ve always used ESET and it never slowed down my PC.

I don’t really want to get into a drawn out debate about this, but I’ll briefly say that the way software is distributed on Linux is much different. However, you are also right that if you have a bunch of inexperienced users who click on suspicious ads that download programs, then there is value in virus scanners, if only to protect users that can’t critically evaluate software trustworthiness from themselves.


I was messing with a chatbot when I decided to ask this:

Did you know about Thrive?

Gamer Boy
I’ve never heard about that game, but it sounds pretty cool. “You play as a microscopic creature swimming in a primordial soup, and you can eventually evolve your way to sapience and beyond” sounds pretty cool ngl

Gamer Boy

Gamer Boy
Isn’t that the game where you can play as a single cell organism and evolve through the history of life on Earth all the way to spacefaring civilizations? That actually looks really cool tbh. Do you play it?

Gamer Boy

Gamer Boy
Thrive (formerly known as Microbe EVO) Is an in-development sandbox survival game about the evolution of microscopic cellular organisms to complex macrofauna. It’s a pretty fascinating project from what I’ve seen!

The chatbot generates 4 different responses, and they all seem to know what Thrive is, which is pretty impressive

homie said he never heard of the game then proceeded to describe it in perfect detail