THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

When the AI knows that you can search things on the internet.

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hey ahh guys im i allowd to post ost videos of thrive cause i wanted to make a youtube chanel all abouth thrive but im not sure if the themes are allowd to be posted

Do you mean the OSTs by themselves or in e.g. gameplay? @hhyyrylainen, @Oliveriver?

Totally unrelated but yesterday I realized that I got i.e. and e.g. mixed up and was using them wrong this entire time :skull::skull::skull:

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But all of the music is already on youtube, and thereā€™s even a playlist for it? I kind of seems to not have much value to me to have one video thatā€™s just a bunch of the videos put together, if I understood right what you are asking.

AFAIK the videos on youtube use the standard youtube video license, so you arenā€™t just allowed to steal them to stitch them together. However all the music tracks currently in the game are available under the Thrive assets license (which does allow derivative works as long as they are similarly licensed), which is creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.

whel i just whana upload it cause of pure stupidity and a way to grow my chanel and and the credits for the musik ofcourse gouse to the music time and oliver
and maybe some gameplay

I donā€™t think itā€™s good to start off with a copyright strike.

thats why im asking
eh i whont upload any themes

very few words start with ā€œwhā€, other words that start with /w/ will very likely be spelled just with ā€œwā€.

For the apostrophe, ā€œwonā€™tā€ is a contraction of ā€œwill notā€. There is also a word ā€œwontā€, but it wouldnā€™t make sense in the context of your post/comment/reply.

Just a friendly reminder.

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You need to understand licensing of things you want to use. But as I said before the music tracks in the game are licensed in a way that you are allowed to make them into a video as long as you follow the attribution requirements and derived work licensing rules.

Wait a secondā€¦ They arenā€™t interchangeable???

They are very different. Hereā€™s the definitions real quick I pulled up:

  • I.e. means ā€œthat is,ā€
  • e.g. is the abbreviation for the Latin phrase exempli gratia, meaning ā€œfor example.ā€

So ā€œthat isā€ is not the same as ā€œfor exampleā€ and I hope people knew that and werenā€™t using them incorrectly.

Ah, i think I was told i.e. stood for in example, so that probably is where the confusion I had came from

Bruh i accidentally made an AI talk about underwater civs

Imagine thisā€¦ A parallel universe, where humans live in oceans, in deep oceans, on someā€¦ Huge islands, and our houses are underwater. Imagineā€¦ That would be so cool, to see cities underwater from the inside. And there could beā€¦ Underwater plants andā€¦ Coral reefs andā€¦ So much more to explore. I want to go there, to that parallel universe right now.


Do you have a screenshot?

Unfortunately no, the AI ā€‹ā€‹generates four answers and this was one of them, but I chose another one and itā€™s not possible to go back

Thatā€™s unfortunateā€¦ :worried:

I kind of doubt it, but do we have anyone here with experience selling merch or handling sales taxes for the entire world?

Do YOU Have Experience With Selling MERCH Around The WORLD???
  • Yes, I do.
  • No, I donā€™t.

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I mean in theory we could try to make merch for one country that might be easier then figure out the other stuff as it goes along

Well that still has the hassle of between 1/3 and 2/3 of the full problemā€¦ and majorly reduces the potential people whoā€™d buy the merch, but doesnā€™t actually reduce the amount of fixed overheads (well okay maybe a bit but the all parts of the process need to be done).

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