THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

Just stop necro-ing threads that do not need it, just stop.

@hhyyrylainen Do we need to do something about this necro spree that @reeper66 has?

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@reeper66 You need to stop necroposting if you donā€™t have anything meaningful to add.


Made this doohickey, guess what is a reference to.



If it is not a reference to thrive or a concept in thrive then this is the wrong thread.

It is now ~Omicron

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Itā€™s scary to think that in an alternate timeline EA will buy revolutionary games and make thrive a dlc for spore.

Donā€™t you dare say those words in the midst of the forums!

Thereā€™s More Post In This Miscellaneous Talk That Doesnā€™t Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread Than The Old Miscellaneous Talk That Doesnā€™t Deserve A New Thread Thread TĢ¶hĢ¶rĢ¶eĢ¶aĢ¶dĢ¶

Wasnt The Old Miscellaneous Talk That Doesnā€™t Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread actually called Miscellaneous Talk That Doesnā€™t Deserve A New Thread Thread

I feel very crummy today. Mostly because Merlok (originally RedNascar) left the roleplay server I was working on, left every server associated with it, and then blocked the majority of his friends.

He just left, with no reason, and didnt say goodbye to me.

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Is there another way to be able to contact him? Sorry to hear that, by the way.


No. Heā€™s blocked on here and with me on Discord.

more hats stuff

Yeah, I am your balkan bro, I guess. Soo, are you sure you can use cyrillic here?

Uhh, nevermind, the balkan guy go away from me:(

Oh dont worry, they are banned til 3018 now.

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I actually just ended up deleting that account and banning sign up from their IP.


Well they would have 999 years to go now (I think they could have made it XD)ā€¦ HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!

I realise that I havent been as active on here as I was back then. Iā€™ll try to be more active on the forums, everyone. Itā€™s just that iā€™ve been dealing with some things, and I need to take a break.

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YeAh YOu HaVenā€™T BEen oN THe foRUm alL YeaR.

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IvE oNLy bEen FoR MErE SecONds.

Iā€™m not saying that I havent been on in a year, just not as usually.

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Yes thatā€™s the joke. Itā€™s a new year remember?