THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

This year I plan to finish my bachelor’s degree in life sciences and I plan to continue for a master’s degree next year.

My problem now is that there are so many to choose from.
At my university alone there is a choice of 60 different laboratories.
Along with this, there is another option I’m keeping an eye on that I recently found - a course in evolutionary and environmental biology (ecology) with bioinformatics on the side. I’m going to the appointment to hear about it in a few days.

But there are so many things to choose and my problem is that for a master’s degree, I must request a recommendation from professors in order to be accepted.

And I’m been good in bad in society.

I owe all the strength in the world to really succeed this year for next year, but who knows?


Are otters in Duodo otter-sized or human-sized?

Also did @doomlightning profile picture ascended?

I wonder if it will become the overgod next…

I cant tell
because doudo its very small
its a soon to be young and nit a baybe


pridict thrive in 50 years
a 3d arras tank designer that you have to painfully unlock cuz you can’t skip stages(cuz devs are too lazy to add)

thought i’d bump this post up so people can vote on what they want to be given for ascending if they haven’t voted on it yet

I don’t think that thrive will be THAT hard.

it will be

why do you think so? It may not be the easiest to design a creature, but as the more experienced devs said, gameplay in aware stage should only take few minutes at maximum to complete a single “round” of gameplay.

i’am saying tank design

thrive won’t have tanks in “evolution stages” lol. Or do you mean industrial/space stage where you would design tanks?


Do you think is it okay for video game music to have vocals or should they be instrumental?

  • okay
  • only instrument
0 voters

Yooo, It’s going down is so good!

Why would video game music with vocals be bad anyways, it’s just music right?


industrial/space stage where you would design tanks?

I guess, so, that’d be the only time in thrive gameplay where I can think you could design tanks and stuff.

Wooden tank Leonardo's fighting vehicle - Wikipedia :gun:

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The wooden tank thing seems like a joke, but introducing a vehicle editor in late society stage for siege machines, where you don’t necessarily need it,
then getting a big upgrade in industrial stage seems to make sense from gameplay standpoint.
You introduce something simple on the side for players to experiment with and get used to, then expand on it,
and having vehicles keeps the game more consistent through stages since you transition from designing your species for the next round of gameplay, to designing vehicles for the next round.
I don’t think it’s something you should have to ‘painfully unlock’.

  1. This post is assuming there is a vehicle editor added to Thrive at some point ↩︎


wtb did I just hear? There was something yelling in the forest. It was definitely animalistic in nature, but the exact way it sounded shifted over time. At first it sounded like a fox, then shifted to a cat fight, sometimes it sounded close to the sound of a crying baby. Also, especially when it sounded like a cat fight, it had this bizarre duotone property - there was the main higher tone, but a distinct lower tone could also be heard. I’ve honestly never heard anything like this before, and it was quite creepy. Also, as I was writing this, the decorative lights on a cupboard in my home’s living room / kitchen randomly turned on, and then turned off just a few seconds later.


I don’t know which reaction emoji to use

That’s just a couple foxes fighting. They can make pretty much any sound.