THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

You shouldn’t put real life pictures on the Internet, especially not on forums.

especially if it was taken on a camera that isn’t attached to a phone

crap also isnt censored, by the way.
Edit: i meant in ROBLOX!

Sorry for asking that political question, but I couldn’t find any concrete answer on the Internet. Why do most Australians hate the British monarchy?

because it also means feces

because their predecessors were sent there because the brits thought it was impossible to survive on

I don’t think the forum actually censor swears anymore

I know it used to on the really old forum but I don’t think it does anymore everyone just self-censor I think

Yeah I don’t think it does

Taiwan doesn’t.
Though I heard that if they do invade that they can only do it at two specific times of the year, due to some kind of violent storms and waves in between the mainland and Taiwan for the rest of the year. I think it was April and November, though I could be wrong.

Oh boy are you in a for a surprise once you discover social media, and especially instagram.

I don’t actually know. Something to check if Discourse software does that automatically.

What is everybody’s objective opinion on Yandere Simulator?
Not the developer, just the game.
I, personally, think it is too ambitious and needs a whole team to develop it, because one man simply cannot develop a game that quickly.
Sorry, one PROGRAMMER.
(I know objective and opinion do not mix but still)
There are plenty of artists and modelers, but only one programmer!
I have zero experience with game development, especially programming, but i know this: the more ambition the game has, the more PROGRAMMERS it needs!
You would all agree, right?
Because we are all working on (to some degree) the most epic, ultimate game ever!
Even Sburb has nothing on this!
Yea sure, you can create an entire universe in that, but Thrive is so all-encompassing, that it just pales in comparison!

Dwarf fortress was worked on by only two people for almost 15 years
And i think only one of them was doing the programming
So no, its not a programmer problem, Yandev is just a TERRIBLE game dev
Such a simple game shouldnt be frying peoples computers

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It isnt THAT simple, is it?
And i thought he fixed the performance problem!

It is relatively simple compared to dwarf fortress
And its almost been 10 years since alex began working on it…
Anyway, i haven’t been following yansim for a while, and i dont plan on doing that any time soon

Well, Dwarf Fortress is kinda the most complex thing there is (Thrive may eventually beat it, but i’m not too sure about that), soooooo…

What does that mean?


EXIF data is just data that almost all computer images contain, they can include lots of information about the picture, such as the time and place where it was made

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Why!? Why would there need be of such a thing? To spy on people?

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I mean, there’s a relatively high chance that the NSA or the CIA won’t allow companies to take this down, for “”“”“security”“”“” reasons

But that’s just a silly theory

I mean there’s a bunch of useful things you could do like automatically create a photo album from your vacation. Or if you are a professional, you can save your camera settings (aperture, exposure timing) in the photo to take similar pictures or I think some professional photo editing software will work better with info from the camera.

You could even use it to embed comments like what the image is for or how it was made, to like remind you what you need to still do to it. Sort of like a TODO list that can be directly saved in the image file.

It’s possible after half of the programmers on the internet laughed at the extremely beginner code that was really poorly engineered. I think the conclusion most programmers came to is that due to extremely poor software engineering practices a project of that caliber is so spaghettified that no meaningful progress can be made, and the entire code should be scrapped and started again using proper programming practices, which would be overall faster than trying to get the current mess finished. This is the reason why I’m pretty strict (or maybe very strict compared to some other people) when it comes to code reviews for pull requests to Thrive.

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Well, he probably doesnt want to do that because it took so long for him to get where he is now.
I’m sorry.
At least you know what you are doing, though! :smiley:

I discovered that in the posts that had the old reactions plugin it still displays the same user having done multiple reactions.


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