THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

I’ve been wondering about this for some time
If a “Thrive 2” or “Spore 3” was to be ever made, just how advanced would it become? Would the general demand be for such a game to have complexity on level of editing individual nucleotides and particles?

Epic Games, Tim Sweeney and Wolfire Games… I hate all of you!

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I watched that video. It just was a summary of the situation, with very slight commentary on how ridiculous the claim is that Steam controls the PC market. So the video was alright, but didn’t really add anything of value to the discussion.


y’all know that feeling when you’ve gotten half a round done and forget to Ctrl+A Ctrl+X it before replying to someone or editing a post?

If you’re writing something long you shouldn’t write it on the forum in the first place, just use notepad (or other program), save constantly, and copy-paste when you’re done.
So yes, this is definitely a mistake I have made, lol.


Discourse multi-draft feature when?

Isn’t the posts (replies) draft thread specific? You can have one global new topic draft and then I think you should additionally be able to have one draft per thread you are replying to.

I can personally confirm that this is indeed true. I think as of now I have like 3~4 drafts.

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Careful, I think the drafts get deleted after 30 days of not updating the draft.

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Oh, that’s new. Looks like 3 out of 4 of my drafts got deleted :/. Thankfully I didn’t have anything important in them.

I think the drafts have had the clearing functionality since the beginning or at least for a really long time. I can’t really imagine that the Discourse developers would have forgotten for multiple years to add cleaning to a feature that could bloat up the forums database a lot if all users had drafts on all threads.

I meant multiple drafts in the same thread

WT :belgium:

That hits kinda hard ngl

what’s the max character count for a message?

32 thousand or something

TCF is not for political matters.

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I think there’s was a thread either here or on the old forum about that…

I do know that max char count is different for dm than regular post

A post was merged into an existing topic: Quick Question Thread

Wooooooohooooooo!.. I just passed my History exam!..