THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

\color{blue} Have~Faith~In~Our~Work~, For~We~Will~Bring~Peace~To~All~Creation.


doesn’t work for this

Can someone explain what is going on? 10259 posts?

Edit the thread’s name to “THE NEW THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn’t Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread Thread”?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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\Large \color{gold} 🙞−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−🙝 \\ \color{gold} \huge \space Yeah~It~Does...?\\\ \color{gold} \huge ⁂


not when i tried it

The system… It advanced… Learned… Evolved… The system is thriving on our knowledge; it now knows what to do…



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Could you clarify the intent behind posting this reply?

Anguish mixed with blind rage at not being able to reach my goal of being the last to comment on the thread

This was a surprise to me as well, I didn’t know that system automatically created new threads when a thread hit the post limit. Also the auto generated title with just “Part 2” tacked on at the end is pretty funny considering all the talk about what to name the new thread.

Also it seems that for some reason the post numbers got slightly relabeled when the thread hit the post limit and was closed.


Ha, don’t make me laugh, rookie.
I had the same goal back when I first heard there was a limit, at around 3000-4000 posts.
also, congratulations doomlightning, you got the last post.
but at what cost?

my sanity
and some labs study about enzymes

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Y’know I feel old lol

I know I haven’t been on nearly as long as most of the other people who are regularly on the forums, but I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I first joined the forums, it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long

(Funny thing is that this is more effective at making me feel old than anything irl lol)

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Oh really? One year only? I thought you were one of those forum veterans who have been here since the old forums

As I’m very lazy, I just now looked at our profiles and found out that I joined a almost exactly month after you


Lol yeah no I’m relatively new to the forums compared to some of the other users

Kinda weird that i cant view other peoples ranks…

Ranks got removed?! How will the ascended arrive now?

I see em right beneath the people’s names whenever they reply, except you but I assume that’s cause you are a mod and have the shield beside your name when you reply

Edit: Oh did you mean like ‘spacefaring’ lol mb

Edit 2: Wait that is weird where did they go…

I think hhyyrylainen reached ascended and then ranks were removed. So now no one can reach ascended.

But he only has 4k posts