THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

What happened to their grammar? It looks good to me.

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Anyone else ever had a problem with unselecting “anniversary” as a choosen badge?

Let me quote this.

He should’ve written “basically Google is a monopoly and has used *its monopoly to ensure it will continue to have *a monopoly by staging (exclusivity) deals to make sure that google is the default *search engine instead of *others, which is illegal and uncompetitive.”

I find it funny that they don’t sue Epic Games for also making exclusivity deals and being anti-competitive by making AAA games free on their platform.

“Monopoly itself is not illegal in the U.S; it’s only illegal if it’s a monopoly that is not established or maintained through having a better product (otherwise known as not having a skill issue). So Google is *a monopoly if they can act in a way that is uncompetitive in a free market (*basically exclude competitors and control prices).”

“They did acknowledge the other search engines in the report”

I’ve never seen @Evolution4Weak make that many mistakes. Is someone impersonating him? Liquid Evo?

Does anyone know about youtubers like Internet Historian? I like his old style of videos, and the only person I’ve found who has been able to truly replicate his style has been Big Boss.

long time no see, zenzone

What are you talking about? I just posted like three days ago.

Isn’t that the guy that started doing conspiracy videos?

I wrote this without sleep and barely being able to see what I was writing.

I also didn’t edit this, it’s amazing that I even spelled the word monopoly correctly.

There need to be three ways for the Sherman Act (The antitrust law) to apply to Epic: they have a monopoly and acquired/maintained it through uncompetitive means, they are currently trying to do things that will very likely to establish a monopoly, or they have an agreement that will ‘which unreasonably restrains competition’.

The only way I see them getting Sherman’d (The worse thing that can happen to man) is through the third way and that be really hard for them to do.

I think being exclusive to the Epic Store to equivalent to a product only being at GameStop (remember that lol) which is definitely not illegal. I don’t think making certain games free would be anti-competitive since other stores like Steam could engage in the same practice in a more effective way (as they are the dominant market leader).

Predatory pricing can be illegal but from what I read is very hard to prosecute the fact that ‘lower price is bad for consumer’. So it’s not illegal to sell stuff below market value (or even manufacturing cost), I don’t think they can get them for that either since it more like a exclusive sale than any kind of price fixing.

Though the Clayton Act ( outlaws conditioning sales on exclusive dealing) might apply but I am not entirely sure if that’s correct. (Probably should take everything I say with a largest grain of salt you can get [Which is like 9 foot according to Bing])

Also the fact that Epic Games is still not that big probably means that these tactics are not working and so are not anti-competitive.

I don’t think so.

Taking games that aren’t made by you away from Steam, GOG and others to put on your platform only seems pretty unfair to me.


Yeah but it isn’t illegal, the government doesn’t care. They should care if it deprives people of things like drm-free GOG games and one-click Linux setup steam games, but they don’t because these laws are from the tail end of the guilded age.

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Just want to say this beforehand, that I am not trying to be ‘Epic Strongest Soldier.’ I am just saying that I don’t think any of the monopoly laws will apply to Epic right now. Though I will say that the free games are an amazing reason to use it (I have gotten so many new games from them).

I wonder if we put some humans on an isolated planet and artificially selected them for not changing in any measurable way, would their genes change by 50%, as different as a banana, or by 100%, given enough time

That’d require even the most fundamental parts of them to change, I don’t think a 100% change would ever happen

First, how is this measured? IRL that’s a non standardized mess. If it’s badly measured you could get 100% by moving everything around, but honestly that’s still pretty unlikely unless you wait billions of years.


I should probably put this in a concept art thread but all those ended in 2018 and I don’t want to be the forum necromancer so here’s my concept art for the organelle that helps you digest rocks

I can’t stop thinking it’s insides are their eye
This is my first attempt (I don’t do art)


No problem, man. No problem. I wonder how they make their money, though.

I mean Fortnite is… Fortnite , they are printing more money with that than the GDP of some countries lol.

But the real answer is that they are not lmao.

Looks pretty good, albeit I’m fairly sure that more “official” artpiecies use a different color pallete.

I meant it more of those little buttons at the bottom of your screen for slime jets and stuff than like an epic image of a cell dissolving a rock.
[edit] lol I just found this