THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

They literaly have a link to it in their bio

Probably exactly for the above reason: if someone spins very fast, it might just be that they are messing around with a high DPI mouse. So you need to put quite a lot of effort to tweak the detection threshold to make sure you don’t accidentally ban someone who isn’t actually cheating (like above maybe happened).

I don’t actually know the technical reason why you can avoid damage by spinning fast, but yeah probably fixing that exploit bug would be preferable to cheat detection.

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Now that we’re talking about this, I am wondering why there seems to be no shooter game which puts an upper limit to how fast can you rotate. It’s not that like a combat-ready soldier would be able to turn 180 degrees in like quarter of a second.

Disconnecting mouse movement from the look position feels absolutely terrible. There are games like Red Orchestra that I think kind of separates the gun from the exact view direction, but now that I think about it I don’t recall that either really limiting the look speed.

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It’s not all that great from a gameplay perspective, the controls should feel responsive, right?

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Yes, but at the same time there should be some realism. Both elements must be balanced…

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Yeah QC has apparently been somewhat successfull with these animations.
Edit: No wait a video of theirs has probably more views than any Oliveriver made.

I have a new pfp now


5 colors instead of three

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A little reminder: that “trailer” was really only a “teaser”. The actual trailer is yet to come out.

It’s still pretty bad. I mean, having a live-action Minecraft movie is not a good idea to begin with. It should just be an animated movie to keep the original graphics.


Atleast it’s A minecraft movie not THE minecraft movie.

i REALLY wanna see how this movie will turn out
cuz live action minecraft sounds like such a disastrous idea that this could be a “so bad its good” type of movie

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Testing a bunch of html.

legendthis is a fieldset
Main Text small text

Hello World

this is a dialog box

click me

Seems like most don’t work.

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i have the crazy conspiracy that the teaser was* that* bad to get internet attention, then they change it like they did in the sonic movie, and everyone goes oooooooh that will be great!!! making the movie have good ratings and good box office.

but if isn’t true, it will be a fun bad movie, i mean, JACK BLACK is steve.


How much of the works on that movie does Mojang even control?

21 posts were split to a new topic: Smartphone (and social media) bad discussion

I think they spent most the budget and time on the “Minecraft world” and animals , and then basically had to photoshop people in. Because the Minecraft world actually looks perfect.