THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

BRUH. What??? What do you mean??? Why are you asking this???

I finally fixed that blue line that appeared at the bottom of each page, especially when switching threads.
Don’t you just love it when the forum software changes its styles around and the custom theme we are stuck with doesn’t work as well anymore? And additionally no one offers to help fix it. The loading spinner is gone, but I hope that I didn’t do that, but it was the Discourse update I just installed that did it.

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It doesn’t have to result in time travel paradoxes if time moves forward in only one frame of reference. The only remaining argument is how do we reduce a ships mass below zero to pass the light speed barrier.

edit: a tachyon has an imaginary mass, not negative, I don’t know why

Building an alcubierre drive requires turning 700 kilograms of mass into pure energy*. We can’t build it but maybe an advanced civilisation can.


just a dumb local soccer meme, you guys dont need to understand

Just noticed something interesting. When you reload the page, discourse no longer reorders the online people based on account age. Kinda wonky actually

yes but they are made into one molecule

New Poll time

What, do you think, will be the size of Thrive when it’s finished (All stages “completed”)?
  • 1-5 GB
  • 6-10 GB
  • 11-15 GB
  • 16-20 GB
  • 21-25 GB
  • More

0 voters


10 GB is my target. With a finished game, we’ll likely have 1-2GB of music, less than 1 GB of text data and game scene definitions, with probably then around 5-ish GB of premade models and textures. The reason why we wouldn’t have a ton of textures is that the plan is to procedurally generate a ton of stuff so we don’t actually need as many textures as “normal” games, I think this is the point that people voting much more than my estimate failed to realize.


But wouldn’t the procedurally generated stuff be stored too?

For performance reasons they could be (and some very likely will be). But that’s much different from the game download or install size. Also that kind of cache data could be deleted whenever needed, as it is generated from some much, much smaller source data it can just be regenerated whenever needed.

The oldest issue on Thrive Github (8.5 years old)


Nah, that’s the oldest open issue. The true oldest one would be more or less 10 years old.

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What’s the color inside the hexagon? I have tried looking for it with color picking tools but they end up not giving the right color because they don’t detect the alpha transparency.

today i noticed oxytoxin is awfully similar in spelling to the real life oxytocin.

oxytoxin is a toxin
oxytocin is the love hormone.

i found this out when i looked up oxytoxin to figure out if it was a real thing

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Funfact, the oxytocin is a real thing. Oxotoxin - Wikipedia

I first learned about ocytocin while playing the Burial at Sea DLCs for BioShock Infinite.

@Nigel how do semiconductors work?


(why am i feeling a sense of deja vu here

well, you see, the semi in semi conductors means half, and the conductor in this sense means that it is a material that transmits heat, electricity, or somethin else.
So, its only logical to conclude that a semiconductor can conduct things, but not as well or reliable as a conductor.

It seems like otters still doesn’t know what semiconductors are